Tuesday, November 01, 2005

My Thoughts (email)

I completed my rather long stint at LFF a few years ago. I would have left sooner but we all know what kind of shame falls on the remaining family when their child forsakes the church; not to mention I myself was afraid to leave. There truly were not any choices. I was more like a juvenile fish in a fish farm in the middle of Kansas, no hope of ever reaching any real body of water. I am so ashamed to be associated with Living Faith Fellowship, whenever it comes up in conversation I try to leave, but its not always a choice, you eventually get corned and people ask were you went to school. "You went to the cult school, how was that?" From that point on I am (we are) labeled as one of those crazy Living Faithers. I want so badly to shake off this past of mine but I can not, I grew up there. There are times I ask my self: Who can I fault? Is it my parents? They thought there were doing right, doing just as they were told. It saddens me that they still subscribe to that LFF way of life. I was never able to talk to them about life growing up. Now every shred of even speaking to them about the little things is destroyed. When I try to talk to them about the church they just refuse to even evaluate their situation, they put up the defensive walls with an, "I don't want to hear it!". I don't think I'll ever be able to talk to my parents about life, its just gone...

I do think the blame for this rests on many, and I do know that at the root the blame rests on one man.

I am so tired of all the games, all the masks, all the smoke and mirrors. Don't try to charm me. Don't smile at me and make small talk like we're good friends. My life is torn to pieces because of a few people's egos. They never do truly care about any thing but their own little world. I still have not forgiven; it's hard to when the wrong doings are still going on. Why should I forgive when they continue to deepen and salt my wounds? They need to "get their heads out of the sand."
I have come to the realization that these wounds will never heal. They leave ugly scars and continue to re-open and bleed all over the place. Like the life lasting effects of injuries, each one a direct tie to my early days. One of the ways I have found to relive my pain is to laugh at my past, some of the things I remember are just a big joke now. I write them down some times just for kicks and giggles. I have entitled my collection of short stories "Lets compare scars" here are a few of the shorts for your enjoyment.

Today is brought to you by the word....

As a hush falls over the crowed, as a man slowly shuffles its way up to an over sized blue podium. He slaps his outstretched, ring clad hands on its sides. Much licking and smacking of his lips later, he utters forth a new word, which has never before fallen on human nor animals ears. "Gloryifickjtasticah." (To be heard, glory-if-ick-tastic-ah) The people loudly cheer and clap their hands. The man stands, slowly looking side to side licking and smacking his lips. A pleased look crosses his faced as he thinks "Yesss, once again I have pulled the wool over the entire congregation's eyes" The cheering subsides to a dull roar as the man says,"Say to your neighbor Gloryifickjtasticah, as you are seated" The people blindly follow his direction, every one of them uttering nonsense.

Pappa knows, Pappa knows....

Sitting amongst my Christian school peers, all dressed in polyester, hushed in silence as if there were a dead body on display. Sweating, waiting for the "great privilege" of Pappa's wisdom, that we may be enlightened by the wisest man in the world. Shifting in our chairs, wondering what the opening topic would be, glancing around looking for missing friends. Would it be another room spinning 1 hour and 1\2 hell? Has one of our friends fallen to the world, "turning their backs on us?" Was today's topic, "Council on how to avoid all contact with this fallen friend," followed up by seeming hours of teared and fiery prayers, that they would turn away from the path to fire and brim stone. Would the boys and girls be separated this time, so they could confront one of us with a sick and heinous sin while the other gender prayed for the detained, that we would spiritually ignite and become men or women of god. We were required to conjure up questions that our parents couldn't answer, so pappa could flex his superior, enlightened mind. If we couldn't think of any would we be reamed for throwing away this opportunity to bask in the light of gods representative.

The school staff trolled about, reminding us only of impending doom. "I hope you all have good questions" they would say.

"Lets all give him a warm round of applause." they shouted, as his immense person entered the room, rings flashing rays of light, his cufflinked sleeves swaying slightly, under one arm a large leather day planer was perched. He would walk to the front of the room, eyes squinting behind his gold rimmed glasses. Setting his planner down with a thud, he smacked then slowly licked his lips.

He usually opened his meeting with. "whose got the first question?" or the dreaded "I bet your all wondering why I'm here today." I even remember a, "How many of you know what sex is...... (a hushed silents) ..... Every hand in the room should be raised"

I don't know about you but I feel better when I laugh about things, and there are plenty of things to laugh at in retrospect. I have seen the comments about people trying to heal, try just laughing.
I know I'm going to get the comments "you should forgive them" and "there were positives, talk about those" but you know what? this is me, the real me, this is were I'm at, these are just a few of my hurts, this is one of the ways I deal with things, and I will try my damest to never allow any body or church to have as much control of my life as my family did. I really appreciate this blog, now I am not just another out of sight out of mind.


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Anonymous said...

Administrators here:
blogger deleted all the comments (not us)
If you remeber what you said put it up again. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I was waiting to hear the "I am a virgin" story. If someone still wants to tell it.

Anonymous said...

We are working to recover all of the comments that we can. Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

All you PCSer's out there. Just comment away I am rolling with laughter and this is lifting my spirits. Also, remember the time that Mr. Eckmann talked about how short his fuse was and how he was so mad he was about to blow and Janna said out loud without even thinking well you should get a longer one. That was one of the funniest things I ever watched happen. Also, a big thank you to Mr. Eckmann and Mr. Gleason if it weren't for the both of you I would be a high school drop out and not the success that I am today. Your care and compassion truly got me through the hardest times of my life and your wives were pretty awesome as well!!! You both will never know what an incredible impact you had on my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you and blessings to you and your families.

Anonymous said...

It’s nice to swap stories and memories with our peers that attended LFF/PCS. I agree that laughter does help soften the blow on the old wounds. We did have some pretty crazy growing up years. I think it is good for us kids to swap stories and feelings because like someone said earlier, it’s a way that we can heal. This blog is for all of us ex-LFFers and while us sharing stories or swapping memories may seem to exclude some people that visit here, remember, this is the only life we knew. So far, it is probably the only safe place most of us have found to talk about what happened. It would be fun to have another blog for us PCSers but so few people really knew what went on behind the front doors and this is our chance to finally have a voice. So just sit back and be entertained…some of our stories are pretty funny.

Anybody remember the “I am a virgin!” story? :-)

Anonymous said...

I wrote a comment that got deleted. Basically I said that we don't need a separate blog for the PCSers. You don't have to read everything. I welcome the comments of those who were in PCS. My kids attended from kindergarten through jr. high. I am getting an idea of what they had to go through as I was being a good parent and put them in the best darn school in the world (OK, that's what we thought. GAWD were we wrong!)

Keep those comments coming.

Anonymous said...

Ok the fuse comment got me laughing so hard I had to explain to my co-worker around me why I couldn't stop laughing. I had forgotten that comment. Why can't I remember the virgin story?

Anonymous said...

So earlier I wrote that for me laughter is the best medicine. I enjoy rehashing stories from our childhood. When ever I'm with my family all we do is share stories and laugh.

So for all the PCS kids out there, please laugh. We should all pretend that we are on "P" level privileges and take a "long break".

ALSO . . . to the person that posted that we shouldn't be sharing this stories in this setting. I hope that most people don't find that to be true. Many of our lives were affected from childhood and we are okay now, we've learned that we are going to raise our children differently and many of us have varying opinions about LFF. However, most of us can move on. For me, that is what this web site is about, moving on, and if sharing stories helps the PCS kids, then so be it.

Anonymous said...

Someone please tell the virgin story. I am dying to hear it. :)

Anonymous said...

Also, how can a blogger delete everything?

Anonymous said...

definitely laugh when you can! Sometimes with tears in your eyes.

Here is a word of caution for you new parents who are going to raise your kids differently than you were raised. Guess what, so were we! PCS (ACE) was our attempt at making a new world. We really do love you all and wanted the best for you. I attended ACE training and studied it while getting my degree from CMT. I really believed that it had the answers we were looking for and that you would all grow up sheltered from the harsh reality of the world. We were 100% certain that we were right! Guess what, we were not right. Maybe ACE can work for some children, but it is really not designed with a thought to the individual who doesn't fit this model. Many of you bear the scars of our misguided beliefs. (For that, again, I ask your forgiveness!) My children still struggle with self-image problems.

So, before you make choices that may impact your children for the rest of your life, make an educated choice. There may be some children that do well in a ACE type of education, but probably not at PCS. There are other children who will do well in a traditional school setting, and others in an alternative setting. Pray, study and talk over your decisions with people who have gone through it before.

With love and respect for you all!
John Brower

Anonymous said...

Somehow the whole post got deleted out of the dashboard.
Obviously we had the post in our email but we couldn't recover all of the comments.
We still stand by our policy of not censoring the comments unless they are vulgar in nature or contain outbound links to obscene material and none of the comments on this post fell into either category. It was a simple "technical difficulty."
Thanks for your comments.

Anonymous said...

To John:

Sorry, I didn't mean to "dump" on our parents decisions . . . I know that for most parents they really did think that PCS was a good solution.

I hold no anger to my parents or anyone else. I always maintained to anyone that told me "I'm going to send my kids to PCS" or "I'm goint to send my kids to a Christian School" that going to a Christian school doesn't make you a christian, just as going to a public school doesn't make you a heathen.

We live, we learn, we move on.

Anonymous said...

Okay so this is the “I am a virgin” story.

One day we were working on our PACEs in our offices and I think we were being particularly obnoxious and driving Martin crazy. We was just beginning to give us a long lecture and the entire learning center was dead quiet. Martin was launching into this speech and right in the middle of it, from the fellowship lounge where several students were working, we heard Sam yell “I AM A VIRGIN!” (From what I remember, they had been engaged in a discussion about Hester Pryne from the Scarlet Letter). It was silent for about 2 seconds and then the whole learning center busted up laughing and Martin couldn’t keep a straight face either. It kinda took umph out of his lecture which he made a weak attempt to finish. It was pretty funny. I don’t know the details of the actual conversation since I was in the learning center at the time but maybe someone who was might share.

I also want to let Martin know that I appreciate everything he did for me. I don’t think I would have made it through school without his help and encouragement.

Anonymous said...

Martin was definitely the best teacher we ever had. Alan King was also amazing. But I can't think of a single female teacher worth an ounce of my respect.

Anonymous said...

I agree about Martin and Alan King (I was not a great respector of Jamie)

However, I think the comment about female teachers was taking it a bit too far...

Anonymous said...

I have to say that this has been my favorite post on the blog. Down to the details about the lip smacking, etc-all hilarious.

Sure it's a crazy life that we PCS kids grew into. There are things to cry about. But laughing about it sure is fun too. =)

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. PCS did massively suck at times, however, such great stories. and its been long enought that i can laugh at nearly everything that happend to me there...simply based on the fact that it was all ridiculous. anyways, the virgin story remeinded me of the word SEX being yelled out randomly in spanish class. what gets funnier than that...mostly cuz the teacher flipped and had no idea what to do! good times...

Anonymous said...

ok, i thought P level meant you only get short breaks. lol. i think i spent most my life on C level. why be on S level if you sit at the friggin round table defianlty anyways. aaahhh, i loved those green chairs with the wheels. oh oh, and the 'throne' that they made for a certain pregnant teacher to ascend upon!!

Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly...it's been a while....
C=scoring and a 25min break S=scoring, 25 minute break, and other random privileges

remember we had to "apply" for them...kinda like a applying for a bank loan.

Anonymous said...

I think getting S was as hard as getting a bank loan. I have to agree that the only reason I didn't drop out of high school and that I did graduate college was because of Martin's dedication to help me. He is the one teacher I would let teach my kids (when I have them), but not a PCS.

Anonymous said...

I had made the comment before deletion about our uniforms and how God forbid anyone see our shoulders and knees. There was also the rule about nail polish how it couldn't be too red because we all know that we would have been mistaken as hookers in polyester.

Anonymous said...

remember how they started making us apply to be in the high school? how gay was that... we had to talk about how we were a detriment to the school last year, how we wanted to 'grow' in God this year, and how we were going to lead other is God's character or something. tell me again...what did that have to do with high school???

Anonymous said...

It had everything to do with PCS. Scripture memorization and spiritual issues were an integral part of the corriculum! Also, I'm gonna have to agree with the blogger who said that "I can't think of a single female teacher worth an ounce of my respect." I would also go so far as to add that just about every female teacher there earned the contempt and enmity of the students (as well as Jamie although that was only after Martin became principle and Jamie was in charge of the HS).

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but you can't tell me that Anna Whipple earned the contempt of every student...

What about Pixie Keifer?

count me out of that one

What about the monitors??
Eunice Carlson
Karen Griebling
Elise Wells

you can't tell me that these people don't deserve respect...
Let's not let it get out of hand here

Lets try to remember that all the teachers (even the female ones) were still mind controlled by the Bardens... if we are going to blame, Let's not blame the thistle, lets blame the root

Anonymous said...

Anna Whipple...I will be forever grateful to her for bringing out the best in my son when he finally arrived in her learning center. She brought joy into his schooling, and didn't try to beat the quirkiness out of him.

Anonymous said...

I'll agree on Anna Whipple and Pixie Keifer. She got a lot of flack when she left....especially from Julie Kobelin. It wasn't like she didn't have enough to deal with as far as Mr. Keifer (a fine example of how people were told not to associate with those who had left the church and ushers being stuck on people when the visited). Anna Whipple was one of the best teachers I ever had and so was Martin and Eunice Carlson was great too. I think those people deserve respect. There were few times when they stood up for the kids. Of course, their lives were made a living hell because of it, but at least they tried every now and then.

Anonymous said...

Who can forget PACEs? The only good thing about them was the feeling of glee you could achieve by drawing a cigarette hanging out of Ace Virtueson’s mouth!
Despite those individuals who made life at PCS miserable, I am still thankful for the bright spots I remember: Alan King and Martin Eckman, the parents who contributed their time to teach extracurricular classes, and the monitors who had a friendly smile for us in the mornings.
I would never send my kids to PCS (or back to Pullman, for that matter), but I know I am stronger and more well-rounded for having been at PCS/LFF and leaving. Nothing livens up a conversation with a friend than mentioning that you were once part of a cult!

Anonymous said...

Cigarettes and sunglasses; it was rare that a PACE went through my hands without at least one of these appearing in the comics.

Anonymous said...

Anna (Johnston) Whipple was amazing. Julie Kobelin was less than (except perhaps when it came to her dimensions--but perhaps I was so impressed only because I was young).

In my days, there was a rather large group of students that Julie displayed an intense dislike for (namely, those students who were not her niece or the offspring of leadership). Substantial disparities were common in the treatment given to these two groups of students. She would allow these students to cut in line, display a general rudeness to others, and even get away with petty theft. Not so for those who were not in the in-crowd--or, God-forbid, showed up her niece in a game or in scholastic performance. That was a no-no. A big no-no.

And then there was the backrub. I was seven at the time and had raised Julie's ire (as I often did)--and this time merely by being myself. As punishment, I was prescribed the task of giving her (gargantuan) shoulders a rub-down.

Having never given a backrub in my life, I had no idea what this project actually entailed, nor was I comfortable with this kind of "laying on of hands." But hey, what Julie says, goes. And it's in the Bible somewhere too, isn't it?

So I did my best and dug my hands and fingernails into the beast with all my might.

My best wasn't good enough. Or maybe it was more than good enough. I think I gave her a bruise or two. The good news was that she never made me give her a backrub again!

Anonymous said...

The name Pixie Keifer brings back memories of hell I had to ensure at PCS. Academics is all that mattered to her. Being a student that is not academically gifted was a poor student in her book. She always made me feel belittled whenever I was in her presence. I was not one of the "smart students" that was priveleged to receive candy from her as she rolled around in her chair in the learning center. Oh darn! If you did not walk single file down the hall quietly she would blow a gasket. Come on we were high school students some of us old enough to vote. No respect for her here. She is one of the people from LFF that I would walk on the other side of the street if I saw them.
Martin Eckmann on the other hand I have alot of respect for. He helped me get through PCS. He made you feel like he cared and wanted you to succeed in learning like a teacher/principal should instill in their students.

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry, i must know...blogger who posted about the neice and leadership offspring: please know that not all of us neices and offspring wanted to do with anything we were doing. we were under just as much pressure be perfect and spiritual than everyone else. some of us did our damnedest to not stand out and be like every one else. to this day, some of us resent ever ever ever getting privelges--some of us wanted to be like you who the leadership disliked. because that meant that we were normal, and that would almost garuntee us not being secretely hated, if we indeed were. and yes, we did always dread that no one was really our friends..but rather they were kissing our parents assess, and could have given a crap about us.

sorry i don't mean to be harsh, but believe it or not some of our own families hurt us deeply as well.

Anonymous said...

we were under just as much pressure be perfect and spiritual than everyone else.

oops! meant to say as everyone else. sorry.

Anonymous said...

The bright side of the big fat teachers was that you could hear them coming down the hall. Who can forget the swish-swoosh sound made by the legs of the teachers as they marched down the hall looking for poor soul to bitch out and give a demerit.

I'd love to write a comment as well about the teachers I thought were crap and abusive of the kids. That wouldn't be appropriate. I'll just assume that we all know who these folks were; many are still there. If they weren't listed above...put them on THAT list.

Anonymous said...

To the 11/03/2005 11:25 pm Blogger
I want to tell you that I am very very very sorry, that as a child, I made you feel belittled and that you were not smart. Please forgive me. I hope, one day, that if you are ever walking down that street and see me, instead of walking (not single file :))on the other side, you will come up to me and tell me of your forgiveness and how your life is going and the of all the good things of the Lord.
Until that day, please know that you will be in my prayers and that I am truly sorry for not communicating to you how much I loved and cherished you.

Very sincerely,
TB aka Pixie Keifer

Anonymous said...

This memory is for the older PSC crowd but I will tell the story anyway. "Dingle berries" Rachel Marshall was giving a S privlige report about her summer at her grandparents farm. She happen to mention that the farm was out in the dingle berries and Mrs. Keifer and Mr Eckmann burst out laughing hysterically and told her not to use that word because it did not mean what she thought. I will never forget the look on Mr. Eckmann's face when he reluctantly faced the classroom and told us what it meant. Now for you who don't know what dingle berries are I will ask you to look that up because I don't want to explain that one.

Anonymous said...

Anyone remember the time we had to stay late after school. (Maybe it was on a Wednesday because I seem to remember being there almost until "church") because one of the Barden/Kobelin Hutt Hose Beasts (I think Julie) thought we "stole" her keys so we all had to stay in the "sanctuary." (In the old barn church) with our heads down until one of us admitted we stole her keys. Of course they were just lost. Somehow I don't remember an apology, and who am I to question a woman of such spiritual umm girth? Glad I left, never been happier.

Anonymous said...

Anyone remember doing our yearly mission statements in High School?

Does anyone actully use them today? Or does anyone actually remember what they wrote?

I would love to find one of mine and post it here so that everyone could see the BS that I wrote on it. I'm thinking of asking my mom if she saved any of them. :)

Anonymous said...

oh snap!! the mission statements. those were aweful, such a waste of my time. did we get graded on those?? like, 'i'm sorry but you have a poor mission statement, you are clearly not a good enough PCS-christian school kid, go wirte in you spiritual notebook and go to morning prayer until God enlightens you'?? that just seems like something they would say.

speaking of memories:

remember when martin and jamie rode their unicycles around the ULC?

how about get detentions and demerites for everything. i think maybe i got a demerite once for breathing in the wrong direction. remember doing wall sites and holding big fat dictionaries over our heads for serving the detention?! sucked then, but so funny now. oh yeah, and how about our cubicles! i loved having dividers with cracks in them so i could pass notes all day.

i think on of my fav things was the cd players and radios in our desks. it think we had to be on S level to have them and we could only listen to christian music...hahahha. i realized that i could just where the ear-bud headphones, therefore no matter what privelege level--i could listen to what ever the hell i wanted. doesnt seem like a big deal, but it was like 'sticking it to the PCS-man' on the same lines, how about blatently copying the score keys at the round or testing table. awesome!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Keifer, aka TB, since you're reading the comments let me say this: I can't speak for everyone here, but I owe a lot of my success in life to you. Thanks for your dedication. You were one of the good ones.

Anonymous said...

How about the time Jaime found Sam's Boy's II Men CD and wrote the words out and shared them at a parents meeting and we got into trouble for putting filth in our heads.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I owe a lot to Mrs. Keifer. She meant well and actually pushed me to be a better student than I thought I could be.

Anonymous said...

I think this is the best post and comment thread (yet) on this blog. Keep the stories coming.

Anonymous said...

To the neices and offspring mentioned already--I understand, and bear you not an ounce of ill will. We were only kids, after all. Mostly I just laugh about what used to happen. =)

Anonymous said...

You have to admit, we share some pretty insane memories. School for me was a living hell, but looking back, I wouldnt trade my friends or some of our, um, adventures? for the world.

As for teachers, if it werent for Martin and Jamie I would be a highschool drop out. Also, I owe a lot to Anna Whipple, Eunice Carlson, and Laura and Alan King.

OMG what stories we share. Someone mentioned goober patroles earlier, hated those. Also, Sorting crayon shavings for detention. Did anyone else here have to sort that jar of pixie kiefer's crayon shavings for detention? And back rubs, i was one of the unfortunate few that the teachers favored for back rubs, those I could handle, but it was the foot rubs that really got me. Eeeeewwww. The round table kicked butt. I loved those green chairs. What ever happened to them? And music, I listened to Hot 104 in the afternoons and soap ops in the day. Yeah, I know, i actually tuned in to the Q 6 station on my radio it used to be like 83.7 Fm. Teachers only checked in the mornings to see what you were listening too. I told them it was KRLF. But seriously, soap ops? How gay is that.

Anonymous said...

I have been following this blog for a while and would never make my identity known, except that I don't know how to communicate this unless I do. I am only responding to the comments made about my mom. I am not defending everything that happened at PCS, all of us, my mom included will agree that it was not near perfect. But I do ask that you extend some element of grace. You will never understand what she had to go through in trying to help students (should I begin to name the students who have contacted her after we left to thank her for getting them through highschool) be successful. I lived with my mom and she is my hero for surviving what she went through at the hands of LFF and PCS and the pastors there (do I need to tell you about the hundreds of times she was pulled before five-fold because you weren't walking in a straight line, because she was not an adequate parent therefore Kari Vance felt the need to come alongside and "help," how she got kicked out of membership for leaving PCS so she could put food on the table.) Of course, I am her daughter and am readily going to jump to her defense. But please understand when talking about anyone whether it be Martin Eckmann and Jamie Gleason, or HCL's and PCL's or whoever...all we know is what happened to us. We don't know the kind of pressure they were under to do what they had to do. My Mom is not perfect and she will be the first to tell you that. Nether was Pastor Tami, but no one will disagree that she in some way loved the kids. Martin wasn't perfect....no one was. Everyone made mistakes. I'm not saying not to vent...if that's what you need to do, the by all means, have at it! I'm sure this comment will get a lot of "venting." But be careful, we don't always know everything that went on there.

Elisabeth Keifer

Anonymous said...

Anyone else remember convention, it was actually a pretty bright spot for me...until we all had to wear the uniforms there. Remember the hell fire baptist sermons where we all had to sit up front. No pressure of course to go up for the altar call...none at all. When did repentance become a lemming parade? Our sponsors were so smug. My best memory was when we DIDN'T win the Christian character award... haha. Remember what a big deal that was, and how the special popular CCL/HCL kids paraded it up front. Here's another oldie.... Jesse Marshall doing that Carman song. That was a riot...our gay little specials we put on all the time. My favorite part of PCS: our parents forking out thousands so we could do all the custodial work at the school for 45 minutes every day. That and the detentions for bad attitudes. PCS taught me some good things though...like how to never be honest with people or you'll get your ass chewed and just how stuck up and fake people can be. At least I got a good friend out of the deal...it was all worth it to have a friend like Tom. By the way what's up with all the anonimity...this is Dan Griebling... please don't erase my name this time.

Anonymous said...

Jamie is a tool.

Anonymous said...

It is funny we know each other so well even now I can guess who is who just by the writing. I have to say my favorite memory is my couch at school we had so much fun around that couch and round table. Those were the good times.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite memories of PCS is when a student was strugglilng to say Bible memory. She had worked so hard all day. The last verse of the selection was, "Depart from me you workers of inquity." As this student approached the last verse, she was getting more and more excited. As she began to recite it she shouted, "De FART from me, you workers of inquity!!!!" Ah ...the good times :)

Anonymous said...

This goes back a ways, but does any of this crowd remember Mr. King in the afternoon. Mr. King was by far the best teacher I ever had, but I have to say that the afternoons were pretty predictable. After lunch Mr. King would get pretty sleepy, and if you had your flag up for help and it didn't get answered for a while, you knew he was out. Both Alan and Laura were about the only bearable part of PCS for me. I have to say lining up in single file line to go to a bathroom break as a Senior in High School was pretty embarrasing, but I dont tell anyone where I went to high school, or talk about my experiences to anyone. It is kind of fun to relive some of those memories with people who know what I went through.
Good times, Good times

Anonymous said...

I would like to thank Mrs. Keifer for what she did for those of us with learning disabilities and other learning challenges. As an educator now myself, I have gained a new appreciation for the knowledge she brought back with her. She certainly helped my family cope and I do remember she really wanted to help us succeed no matter what.

Oh and any of you girls remember the time we all got yelled at for stuffing pillows up our dresses and pretended to be pregnant? I don't know how the teachers found out about it because it wasn't like you could even tell we had put them up there because our jumpers were so huge!

Anonymous said...

Do you remember the time someone wrote "I love Sam" on the scoring table and we were interrogated individually. Still no one fessed up. Or when we did the chocolate treasure hunt for Mr. King's birthday.

Anonymous said...

I was just going to post about who wrote "I love Sam" on the scoring station... we were all called into the office individually and asked "which pen did you write it with"
And BTW, those were Kari Vances keys that got lost... some of you may remember that we sat in room 111 with our heads down on our desk for like 3 or 4 hours and were read the story of Achan from the Bible... Paul was eventually blamed... then later, it was all a mistake.... did we ever get an apology for that??

Anonymous said...

Ah Lora..
that couch :)

I sat at the round table all year that year . . . I remember having peanut butter M&Ms and Martin allowed us to break the no food rule because he liked those things :)

Hey, I learned more academically that year than ever...
anyone want to do one half of the math assignment? I'll do the other half and we can switch answers :)

In all seriousness, I have fond memories and lasting friendships from that time

Anonymous said...

Now I remember the knowledge hammer... when Dan would fall asleep at his desk - Alan Kings "special" tool :)

He also had a fondness for his four color pen :) He had good aim!! The afternoon was the best time to say Bible Memory too :)

Love Mr. King!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAH!!! the mentioning of Achan made me remember the keys story, us PCS really were balmmed for everything possible. we were such an easy easy target, who were the teachers checks and balances? oh yeah...there were none!!

anyways, this part of the blog is oddly bring back a lot of joy, joy i didn't realize i still felt about my childhood.

Anonymous said...

And remember the big bowls of popcorn Mrs. Keifer would pop for all of us?

Anonymous said...

To some of the above comments about female teachers. I think everybody here knows who the blogger was talking about. They didn't say ALL the female teachers, they said almost all. I agree Anna Whipple was a great teacher and I will always remember her fondly. One teacher that I am surprised has gotten away unscathed as yet on this blog is Amber. I don't honestly know if I could get through a conversation with her without pucking if I had to talk to her today. Anyone remember store runs for to get her icecream etc b/c she was pregnant?

Anonymous said...

I remember getting or making notes from our parents so that we could all go out to lunch together. And then we wouldn't come back until the middle of the afternoon, just because our notes didn't have a return time.

Anonymous said...

It has been so entertaining and enlightening to read this! I wasn't a PCS student. I came to LFF in college, but I knew all of you. I was honestly afraid of most of you. That seems so weird now. I was afraid of my own shadow I guess. After reading all of this yesterday, you were in my dreams last night. Especially you, Lora. Blessings to you! And to all of you!

Anonymous said...

Anyone remember the joys of playing volleyball in longsleeve turtlnecks and culottes?

Anonymous said...

Oh Man, did we get some weggies with those . . . and our poor moms who had to try and sew them. Those were a pain.

Our moms had so sew a lot. Our uniforms etc.

Remember when we had different colored shirts for the days of the week. The red, blue and white ones?

Anonymous said...

Pop quiz!! Remember which days were we suppose to wear the previously mentioned colored shirts?

Anonymous said...

I remember I had a plug in cd player which ran under the offices and the cords had to be "fixed" every once in a while and my desk mates would "help" me and we would sit under our offices and talk.

Anonymous said...

let me take a stab

red - monday
blue - tuesday
white - wed
red- thursday
blue - friday

oh boy, I don't know if that is right... my brain hurts from remembering that far

Anonymous said...

Anyone remember walking to Finchs??
For extended periods of time?? Even after it was against the rules?

Anonymous said...

Ah correct on the shirts!!! I am impressed. It really sucked if you wore a blue or white shirt on a red day...ya stood out like a sore thumb...and the shame that was heaped upon us, tsk. Frankly as far as uniforms go I kinda felt sorry for the guys for having to remember to wear those ties and if they forgot it they had to sit in the principals office until the parents brought one...like our parents could always just drop everything and run us over a tie.

Anonymous said...

You guys are all amazing! I did not go to PCS, but I too remember you all from my LFF days. I am sorry, too, for any pain I caused in your life as your "role model" etc. I wish you the best and godspeed. Keep those funny, funny stories coming. I am a public school teacher, and these stories have me gut rolling.

Anonymous said...

remember when we transfered to long sleeve shirts when we were in Whipple learning center. those things got to dirty ane gross, cuz we werent allowed to roll up the sleeves. we had quite the porgression of uniforms as girls.
1. polyester navy blue jumpers w/ ties
2. polyester navy blue jumpers w/o ties
3. huge plaid jumpers w/ equally huge poofy sleeves
4. plaid jumpers w/ more normal sleeves
5. plade skites, white blouses and vests
6. i hear now they get to wear pants and sweatshirts

why have none of us mentioned all of our awesome conventions!!! i always felt to ackward being the huge school from pullman that wore uniforms. but it was awesome getting to go away for a week. Oh yeah, and not getting the christian character award was awesome. Remember how the preachers always gave alter calls, and the next morning we got in trouble for not responding to them? used to annoy me so much. who were they to say where i was in God. And dear Brother Wolfe who always lurked at the cross walk. Anyways, i have mostly good memories from conventions...mostly cuz i didn't care and threw everything together the weekend before. Internationals was the best!!!

Anonymous said...

Remember goal cards! Unfortunately, now thanks to those I'm totally dependent on lists.

When they use to be white I found little stickers that were the perfect size to fit in the squares. If ever I didn't get my goals done for the day, I would put a sticker in the square and rewrite my goal. Didn't have much homework that way! Teachers could never tell. :)

Anonymous said...

I must say my memory of Lora's couch was anything but fond. What a joke, what other place in the world would some girl get a couch because her butt hurt? Even worse, we all had to lug that thing around so as to properly pad her precious posterior in whatever room she was in. I wonder if she still has an obligatory group of grunts to haul around the comfort her "injury" requires.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone ever just 'initial' your own goals? I'm not saying anything, i'm just sayin....hahaha. Or what about just storing extra goal cards? However one thing I somehow never did was actaully take a score key home.

Anonymous said...

I remember playing poker and go fish with Matt Sanford when I sat next to him....I don't remember if we ever got caught....those were the days. Remember the Mr. Yuck stickers on the uniforms! Boy did we get in trouble for that. Remember when some of us got to go "work" in the Fellowship Lounge and Jake would pretend to be helping....we had the greatest talks in there....wow, memories. Oh I am impressed with the person who can remember which shirt we had to wear on which day! I think I blocked those memories out! Honestly, keep the stories coming! I havne't laughed this hard in a while!

Anonymous said...

I remember in kindergarten we had a classmate who was always getting into trouble. Everyday she would do something inappropriate and would be taken out of the classroom and dealt some kind of punishment, most likely a spanking. The rest of us would have to sit in a circle with our snack rugs and pray that God would help this friend be good and not get anymore spankings.

Anonymous said...

One of the many traumatic childhood memories I have is when Rod Marshall decided it would be a good idea to show us the music video of "I Pledge Alliegence To The Lamb" by Ray Boltz. In the video it does a past and present comparison of people not denying Jesus. The present comparision was with a dad and a son who are violently separated because the dad won't deny Christ and the viewer is lead to believe that the dad is killed. My gosh...imagine what our impressionable minds got out of that. Our dads could be violently taken away from us for being a Christian! I think half of us needed psych therapy after that one.

Oh and that reminds me of all those songs that we sung into the ground. "I have drawn a line in the sand...." "Take us higher blessed Savior" remember how we all followed Rod Marshall as he always "slipped" and "stumbled" at the appointed times of that song and then we would all soar like eagles bashing the people next to us with our outstretched arms. Thinking what we must have looked like makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

"I have a destiny, I know I shall fulfill, I have a dstiny in that city on a hill"

nuf said :)

Anonymous said...

1/2 days on wednesdays...now that's a fond memory! I remember when Mrs. Keifer started handing out merits for good behavior! I still got way more demerits, but hey, thanks for trying Mrs. Keifer

Anonymous said...

Oh the Merit Store. I still have a puppet from the Merit Store. I liked that!

Anonymous said...

Oh memories... (the olden days)
-Playing superman off the table in Mrs. Jennings class
-When Dave H. held is breath until he passed out.
-The astronauts ice cream Mr. King used to bring in.
-Oh and the privilege room, those were good times.
-The sneaking notes under the desks
-The secret crushes and sneaking just to hold hands
-The mile runs at the baseball fields
-The going back and forth to the scoring table (we all know that was a joke)
-How about when we all had to serve at the pastor's luncheon
-Despite the limitations we had with sports -- I loved playing volleyball w/ all you girls and Lulu Jacobs.
-Oh and CONVENTION ...
Thank God for the phones in our rooms and the big campus and not enough chapperones. I still keep in contact w/ some of those people.

Anyway to all of the PCS'rs: it was a road we didn't choose but it has made us who we are today. Take care, Christie (Bowerman) Stevens and my home is always open.

Anonymous said...

Convention was the highlight of every school year for me. That was your chance to meet and talk to other kids your age outside of the "LFF sheltered life". The food fights in our rooms were the greatest. I will never forget the pot of coffee that was poured on me while in the shower. Thanks to you know who you are.

Brigade trips were alot of fun too.
-killing rattle snakes and then moms freaking out after we got home when they heard about our hunting stories
-wrapping a canoe around a rock in the rapids on one of our canoe trips
-singing oldies tunes with your buddies because that was all you could listen to besides Hosanna and Maranatha...and then Mr. Dieker explaining what the lyrics meant..."my baby does the hanky panky" Boy we were naive!
-camping at Moscow Mountain on a snow hike and a certain someone decided it was too cold to find a tree in the middle of the night so they took a dump outside their tent door. Terry did not like waking up to that.

Anonymous said...

to 11/04/2005 9:04 PM blogger: I am sorry you feel that way, I did not mean to cause such a horrible memory for you. Your right that public schools would not have put up with a couch, they would have sent me the alterative school. Although I do not remember people ever moving my couch if you say so I guess they did. But in my defense I have had 2 surgery on it I am still on two different medications to control the pain, and I cannot do the things I would like to do like ski,or do any kind of sports. So no I do not have a group of gunts to help me. We all have a bad memory with each other as the cause in it but what good does it do to set us against each other, I would think that is what LFF would want.

Anonymous said...

Lora makes a good point. We all spent so much time together and interacted so much that, just as with our close friends now, we sometimes hurt each other. These small hurts, inconveniences, and annoyances are always a part of having contact with others, whether at LFF or elsewhere. Let's not forget to extend the grace to others that we would like have shown to us.

Anonymous said...

I agree, grace needs to be extended. We are basically one big family for as much time as we spent together and the memories we share. As such, we have our issues and there are things that annoy us about each other, but in the end, recognize that no one knows you better and in the end we will have your back. So please try to remember that we are all human and all make mistakes and we regret them and wish we could go back and make them right, but we cant so the best we can do is say we are sorry and then start again and try to rebuild the damaged relationships.

With that said, does anyone remember being told that someone, if not all of us on the basketball and volleyball teams were rebelling and in sin because we lost a game. As if it had nothing to do with the fact that the other team had played better or we made stupid mistakes or the refs were calling things on a bias. Nope, at PCS we only lose trophies when someone is in sin.

Also, I loved convention. It was the bright spot of my year. I couldnt wait to get away for that week. I will never forget Brother Wolfe. I have never seen someone guard a crosswalk so diligently in my life. I remember one time I was at convention and I was standing towards the back with Mary Baldridge while Brother wisdom led us in a rousing rendition of "I'll Fly Away." During the chorus, Mary made her arms like wings and was pretending to "fly away" while gobbling like a chicken. Imagine my shock and horror to glance behind me and see Brother Wolfe behind us, rushing like a mighty wind towards Mary. He escorted her from the auditorium and had a chat with her, scolding her for her bad example and unChristian-like behavior. By the way Mary, if you are reading this, you were one of my favorite chaperones. Remember the time that I roomed with you and we pulled the mattresses off the beds and set them leaning up against the closets at an angle and then climbed to the top of closets and slid down the mattresses. Also, for the times you took the blame over the years to save our butts, and girls, you know who you are, many thanks, I owe you one.

And who wears coulots? Is that even how you spell it. I hated those things. It is hard to take yourself seriously as an athlete or otherwise when you have ten yards of fabric hanging from your waist.

Girls, again, you know who you are, remember sneaking beer into that one game just to see if we could pull it off? Never had more fun watching basketball. The funny thing is we barely drank any for fear of getting found out. All of us, that is except _________. Dude, you gotta get a grip on your habit, you were kinda tipsy. Naw, just kidding, it was kind of cute. God, I have no idea how we didnt get caught.

Also, skipping out whenever possible for lunch and coming back as late as possible. We actually made up birthdays so we could leave more often. To this day I will go bust a couple kids out every now and then to give them a chance to have some fun.

Girls, do you remember the time that we were told that we some us were rebelling and comitting and abomination in the sight of the lord and going to hell because we chose to wear thongs. The abomination was promptly forbidden. Immediate detention and possible suspention if you were caught wearing one. Talk about nerve wracking, I thought they were going to do and underwear check every day. Speaking of, does anyone remember being forced to do the "shorts check in Sherri Starriah's class? When the teacher called role, after the girl replied "here" she had to lift her skirt slightly to show that she was wearing the required shorts under her uniform. It was always traumatizing to be the girl who forgot them that day. To this day, I worry if I am not wearing shorts under my skirt or dress.

To wrap it up, just remember that if you ever need a break from class, have aught with your best friend. The teacher will excuse you from the classroom to deal with your aught. This will give you up to about 30 min to have a pleasant discussion with your friend about what you will do when school gets out and the new "devil's panties" you bought at shopko the night before.

Anonymous said...

I've been in tears this morning laughing so hard at the memories.

One of my favorite memories is one day we (me and about 5 others) got in big trouble for something. We got yelled at all during lunch and we all acted very sorry. So we missed lunch period and then we had a late lunch.

We decided to take everyone's old food out of their cubby holes and have a food fight it was great.

A while later, Jamie being concerned that we were all very sad from getting in trouble came to see what was going on. He came in just was we were all sweeping and cleaning the tables up.

He was so impressed that we had such servants hearts. Yeah, that was a great food fight.

Also, remember getting detentions for leaving our food in our cubby holes too long.

Anonymous said...

So how did they know if girls were wearing thongs?! That sounds like harassment to me. I don't think that any PCS parents gave permission for their children to be humiliated in such a way. But then again, we let you be humiliated in so many other ways! Sorry about the uniforms! And whose idea were the culottes!!? Probably Mrs. Marshall. The fact that the volleyball team won any games is a true miracle. I would have been so embarassed to wear that uniform that I would have missed the ball every time. Maybe you could have told them the uniform was the problem (not sin in the camp!)when you lost! ;-)

This really has developped into a great discussion! Keep those memories coming!

Anonymous said...

My recollection is that the culottes were related to an ACE regulation. I think I remember moms scrambling to quick make them for their daughters during the first volleyball season.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine how the thong rule sounds to the outside world. What did they do panty-line checks? And how come this rule was not enforced for the boys?

Anonymous said...

A PCS guy here...
I don't ever remember panty line checks for guys, but I do remember having my bare butt spanked. That wasn't cool.

Anonymous said...

I am a guy and my bare ass was spanked countless times. By male and female teachers. You went into the office, put your hands on the chair, they pulled your pants down and spanked your bare ass. No kidding. All the time. I'd say I was spanked bare-ass between 15 and 20 times. More than two-thirds of which was by female teachers. I was probably spanked period well over 50 times total.

I don't think they could get away with that today. Problem is, my parents would probably still defend them not me.

Anonymous said...

As a PCS staff member for 20 plus years, I NEVER spanked a student of the opposite sex, nor did I ever spank a student's bare bottom. Hmmmmm....

The culottes were not our idea. The convention guidelines dictated the style (ugly and not easy to play in) of the sports attire.

Anonymous said...

You said "my parents would probably still defend them not me." this is probably true. When we sent our kids to PCS they made us agree to take the school's word over the children's. This is another of the countless ways they controlled us. If we had heard about the shorts patrol in Miss Stariah's class, I don't know if any of us would have said anything. We trusted that our leadership was more intune with the Spirit than we were. This is the subtle manipulation that permeates so much of what we experienced at LFF.

If we questioned how you were treated we would have been called on the carpet for having a critical spirit. Again, more control. The more I look at it, the sicker I feel!

Anonymous said...

Well I WENT to PCS for 13 years and I got spanked on my bare bottom and had many friends who were too! I'm not the person who posted the original comment. So there are at least 3 of us just on this blog!

Mr. or Mrs. 20 years, how could you sit there for 20 years and let all the crap continue? Don't you have any shame?

Anonymous said...

Make that 4.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember the bear poster that we would have to sit and stare at if we were in trouble I think it was a polar bear.

Anonymous said...

I cannot speak for everyone, and I know that this is not true for everyone, but I would like to say that my parents did the best that they could under the circumstances. I am sure that there are others too. I know that my parents refused to just believe and accept everything that they were told. They would seek God first and then do as they felt God had instructed. This meant that they did a lot of things that were not approved of by the higher powers. They took a lot of flack for it. I can forgive what was done to me, I really dont have any resentment there. But what I struggle to forgive is the wrongs done to my parents for protecting me and my siblings. They did the best that they could in the sight of the Lord and I am so grateful for the sacrifices that they made. My father has suffered depression for years as a result of the abuse that he took in doing the godly thing of being the leader of his home and not letting Karl be the head of our home. It angers me that anyone would destroy a man's self esteem and confidence because he actually stood up to be a man and shelter his family. This is not the case with every family, but PSCers, do keep in mind that not all the parents out there were being blindly led, some were actually trying to protect us and make our lives a little more bearable. And in the process they lost their dignity and pride that they should have as the parents and leaders in their own homes. Some still suffer from the blatant abuse they received at the hands of the leadership, others suffer with the regrets that they didnt do enough to protect their families. Either way, we are all in pain, we need not heap guilt on those who did nothing, they may be suffering more with their regrets and shame than those who did stand up and do the right thing and were persecuted for it. At least those parents have a clean conscience.

Anonymous said...

This is probably a ridiculous question, but have any of the pcs-ers ever read the school handbook that the parents get, and are required to read and sign? There is a part in there on the spanking thing, and it says that it will be done by a teacher of the same sex, and says that it will be carried out in an appropriate way. I don’t remember the wording, but I do remember that it specified exactly how the spanking would be done, and it certainly didn’t mention anything about removing any clothing! That’s a law suit waiting to happen. There was also a place where as parents, we could sign that we did not want the school to spank our kids, that we wanted them to call us instead. I personally signed that, asking for the phone call rather than for them to take action. Fortunately, my kids never got far enough in the school for the need to come up (although they were expelled for several days in pre-school for biting). Try getting a 3 year old to go through true repentance and prove to the powers that be that a change has taken place and your 3 year old will not do it again. And even more fun, try to explain to your boss at WSU why you need those days off, without any advanced notice. What were we thinking???!!! However, I'm curious about how the school got away with the bare butt spanking, especially by a teacher of the opposite sex, when it is right there in the policy how that situation is supposed to be handled. Did your parents know that the punishment was carried out the way that it was carried out? I can't imagine any parent not putting an immediate stop to that. Although I tend to get irate about kids not being respected and treated as sub-human like they were at lff. That is why I pulled my kids while they were just getting their feet wet in the system. Maybe not all parents saw through the Bardens/Vances idea that kids are clay to be pummeled, I'm sorry, I mean molded. But some of us did and we did our best to protect as long as could, and when we couldn’t protect them anymore, my husband and I decided to leave. We love our girls with all our hearts and they are learning in a healthy church how to be loved by God, with appropriate examples as far away from pkv and dtc and pcs as possible. I’m convinced that she hates children, despite what she says. PKV, go ahead and argue with me, but actions speak volumes and your actions towards children are reprehensible.

Unknown said...

Aah, the spanking...

I remember getting into trouble (it was either for saying "shut up" or "idiot") and being sent to Rod Marshall's office by Pixie. Funny thing is, Rod actually liked me, so I ended up not getting spanked, or even sternly corrected. We just kinda talked for a bit and I was sent back to the learning center. Rod sort of vetoed Pixie's call on that one, I guess. Good for him. But boy was she ticked, and found other ways to rain down some fire on my head. For the moment, though, I was overjoyed at the way things turned out. =)

Anonymous said...

I got spanked once...I remember it was by a female teacher who was ordered to do it by Rod Marshall while he watched. They didn't bare my butt but they did lift my dress. As I look back I feel sorry for that teacher because even in the trauma of the moment, I sensed great reluctance on her part to carry out the deed at all. I was probably the first kid she every spanked.

Anonymous said...

Just want to make a comment about the thongs...
this happened because Katania spotted a girl in the locker room wearing a thong and told her mom...

just to clarify for all of is old PCSers who are confused... this did not happen while Robi Marshall was here :)

Anonymous said...

I got spanked a couple times...anyone else have a tendency towards scoring errors and backscoring! I sure did!!! I don't even know what to say about the thong thing! I think this is the best part of the blog I've read yet, keep the stories coming! I haven't laughed this hard in years!!

Anonymous said...

I ask the person who said that their was not a single good female teacher to re-think his (or her comment).
Anna Whipple was one of my favorite teachers.

Anonymous said...

Anyone remeber being taught how to be a good student in Kindergarten? "A good student doesn't sratch an itch." I remember thinking, "Then there is no way I am going to be a good student then." Also, the PACE stapeling when you looked ahead in Kindergarten. I remember trying so hard not too look at the pictures in my PACE, but getting in BIG trouble when I did. I cried for the rest of the day.

Also, even though I do have bad memories, I owe the fact that I graduated from college to Pixie K. (and my parents) if you hadn't helped me through school, I never would have made it. Thank-you.

Anonymous said...

I was not spanked on a bare-butt, but I do remember in Kindergarten being spanked for something. I was too scared to even cry! Then, I got in trouble for not crying and someone else would try. There were finally 5 or 6 teachers who spanked me (remember this is a 5 year old's memory and might be wring in number but it was deffinentaly more then 3 people). I was so embaressed!
Also, remember when I broke my arm? i visited the class room to pick up my school supplies and each one of my class mates came up and shook my hand or something. One of the Joshes refused to come and say "Hi." I remember him throwing a tiny fit about it. It was hilarious. Speaking of which, because of those stupid shirts, my mother had to ripe 3 of them so that I could get my arm through. Whose wise idea was that?

Anonymous said...

Anyone else have the distinct privilege of sitting next to Dan Mildren in room 101? If you did, you probably had plenty of days where you went home with marker on your hands. Oh wait, maybe that was just our thing Dan. Sorry, didnt mean to let the secret out! It appears that there are a lot of younger PCSers on here, and I don't know all the stories, but the memories from the "good old days" are comin back. Good luck to you all.

Anonymous said...

Wow, whose brilliant idea was it that thought sports losses were because of sin. I played volleyball in the beginning years and it was never like that. I think we were harder on ourselves if we lost than any teacher ever was. As for the culottes, I do remember getting in trouble for tucking as much fabric as possible into my knee pads. Heaven forbid a 'boy' see some leg :) As for the thongs .. Kari/Katania would hate my panty drawer.

Anonymous said...

I made the comment in regards to my bad experience at PCS with Pixie Keifer. Thank you Pixie for listening to my hurt and the apology. Just knowing that you took my hurt to heart means alot to me.

Hopefully others talked about on this site (Karl, Sherri, Kevin, Phil & Kari) will follow your example and take the hurts to heart rather than calling it "gossiping and an attack against God's chosen".

Anonymous said...

You know Karl, Sherri, Kari, Phil, Kevin, Katania, Juli and the host of others that inflicted such pain and deceit on all of us, may NEVER understand their guilt. It is not for me to try and make them understand. It is for me to know that I was once under their law and that law inflicted great pain and insecurity on my life. It almost killed me and my children. In reality, what that law did was show me that the grace of God, my Father, is far greater. So really, in the end, I am the winner. I am the chosen of God because of His abundant grace towards me. He cares about my pain. He cares about me. So in the end, Karl, Sherri, Kevin, Phil, Katania, Juli, etc. lose because they are still bound in the law. They do not have the freedom of Jesus in their life and their life's work is to strive for further control and then justify themselves. My prayer for all of you is that wee too realize that they are NEVER going to apologize, except face to face with God. We can't change them. But we can stand with God, immersed in His grace and know that because we have experienced the HARD and CRUEL taskmaster of the Law, we don't have to try and justify ourselves at all. We truly are the chosen ones.

Anonymous said...

Pixie, thank you for your apology, it really means a lot. And you are completely forgiven in my book. You really did try to educate us instead of always preaching at us. And we will always remember the popcorn.

Anonymous said...

I completely forgot about standing next to Dan M. scoring and leaving with pen marks all over your hands and arms. Do you guys remember hiding the chocolate chips spelled Happy Birthday under the large scoring table for Mr. King.

Anonymous said...

The story that takes home 1st prize out of this whole blog is the picture of Mary Baldridge flying away with the lord waving her arms and gobbling like a chicken...by the way chickens don't gobble they cluck...turkeys gobble...my dad just informed me. Anyhow, that image and the one of her being quickly ascended upon by Brother Wolfe tops every other story in here this one I have been laughing about for hours and tears stream out of my eyes every time. Mary you are a pretty neat person!

Anonymous said...

Alright to here is all the kids who were ever leadership kids or not. I think that to be completely truthful as the kids in the church we knew everyone's sins better they themselves did. I remember our weekly updates from our parents "bluesheets" the reports after their very important agenda meetings that we probably again knew more about than our parents. Any kid who tries to deny this is lying. Anybody else agree?

Anonymous said...

My family as thoroughly enjoyed this flow of comments from PCS. Please keep it up it has become the highlight of the whole entire blog. Everything else just sits in the shadows and man that Mary Baldridge!

Anonymous said...

Seriously Mary you are inspiration...there ought to be more chicken gobblers out there!

Anonymous said...

Alright this to all of you haven't read about Mary Baldridge seriously read the blog more stories should be about her.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Mary B. will ever flap her chicken wings and fly out of the L.F.F. chicken coop....?

Anonymous said...

Seriously I don't think she should fly yet I need some more humor. Mary keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary flies to me clucking words of wisdom "Let it be!"

Anonymous said...

Okay seriously I am just waiting for someone to respond about Mary! I may not get any sleep tonight in my efforts to learn about her.

Anonymous said...

Remember when we practically lived LFF.
Starting Sunday
9:00am BTH
10:30 to 2:00 Church
5:00 to 9:00 Members meeting
8:30 to 3:30 School
6 to 9 Parents had class something like Phillipians (so we were back at church being babysat)
8:30 to 3:30 School
6 to 9 Leadership class
8:30 to 12:30 school
5:30 to 10:00 Church
8:30 to 3:30 school
Finally a night at home
8:30 to 3:30 school
5:30 to midnight CCF (if your parents were HCLs for college, you were at the church being babysat)
8:00 to 12:00 Crew
12:00 to 5:00 HCL pastoral meeting (if your parents were HCLs you were at the church being babysat)
6 to 9 Play practice of some sort (either you had to be involved or your parents were and you had a babysitter)
And the wonder why we never saw are parents.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember the story of when the Kindergarteners got locked in the game closet? (the one right behind the lunch room)

If you do, please share.

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry, but these stories arent funny at all.

Anonymous said...

I have this memory . . . we all talked about sex, swore, etc. and thought that we were all great for doing so.

One of our favorite things to do was give each other the "up yours" hand signal. We thought that we were so great and that the teachers etc didn't know.

One day Karl found out about this and he came over to one of those previously well described meetings with the High School.

And he calls Luke D. to the front of the room and he asks Luke to show us the hand signal and then asks him to share with us all what it means. He didn't stop at "up yours", Luke needed to explain what "yours" was, as if we didn't all know.

Now I wish that we would have all burst out laughing right then and there. It was quite comical, but we were all too scared.

So Luke, if you are reading, I hope that this is a funny memory for you too.When we were in High School, we all talked about sex, swore, etc. (just like regular kids J) and thought that we were all great for doing so.

One of our favorite things to do was give each other the "up yours" hand signal. We thought that we were so great and that the teachers, pastor, etc. didn't know.

One day Karl found out about this and he came over to one of those previously well described meetings with the High School.

And he calls Luke D. to the front of the room and he asks Luke to show us the hand signal and then asks him to share with us all what it means. He didn't stop at the explanation of "up yours", Luke needed to explain what "yours" was, as if we didn't all know.

Now I wish that we would have all burst out laughing right then and there. It was quite comical, but we were all too scared.

So Luke, if you are reading, I hope that this is a funny memory for you too.

Anonymous said...

By the way, about the Kids locked in the closet, as I understand the story (I hope someone else will remember it), It was an accident that they got locked in the closet.

Anonymous said...

To the Blogger who thinks that these stories aren't funny at all, I'm sorry for you. I hope that you can find humor in the rest of life.

Anonymous said...

the way i look at it, you are the one with no sense of humor. sorry friend.

Anonymous said...

it was my brother's class that was locked in the closet.

As I remember it the two teachers were Julie K and Pixie Kiefer. I think that Pixie was trying to play a joke on Julie and hid the kids in the game closet.

For some reason they were in there for longer then was planned. My brother said that the girls were getting scared and the boys were going to be their heros by breaking out of the closet. I think that they were let out in time.

If any one knows more of the story (like why exactly they had been in there) please, please, let us know.

Anonymous said...

who cares?

Anonymous said...

You can't tell me that the "toppings" story isn't funny.

Anonymous said...

Ah, bluesheet, thank you to the leadership for making ways for us sneaky kids to find out the dirt on everyone.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you all did that. Kinda makes me wish I had had more guts. I would have done it, too.

(re: bluesheets)

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Bluesheets--one of my guilty pleasures. Wait, it wasn't just me?? I feel so bad about it, but at the same time, come on, it was all BS anyways.

Anonymous said...

i pretty sure that the class that got locked in the closet was the one below mine. i think pixie told them to hide in the 'game closet' so that julie would think they were missing from the classroom. however, the prank didn't go as planned, and kids got temporarily forgetten about. and the game closet was a one way door, you could only open it from the outside. but somehow the kindergarderes persevered through and got out. and if i remember correctly, didn't they actually get in trouble from julie? correct me if i'm wrong, but what a great memory huh!

oh yeah, and YES, these stories are hilarious. it makes me somehow look back on my pcs years with joy. who would have thought?

Anonymous said...

Wow...huge wow. Never dreamed we'd exercise our rights to freedom of speech regarding the forementioned memories. I am reading this blog on another continent, and admittedly fell to my knees laughing with the memory of the 'nerves' story. Christie, thanks for the link to this blog.
Now, these memories relate mostly to those of us born 1980 or before....Jake, you of course are an exception...
1. Joelle began to develop a chest. Shortly after, girls ages 12(?) and over had to wear un-belted jumpers.

2. Sam couldn't seem to sit all the way down in his seat. One time Mrs. Marshall pulled his seat out from under him, he fell on his tush. She always felt badly about that one...Samoset, we still laugh about it:)

3. David Hunter's pink string tank top.

4. Christie wore high heels to Jr. Convention. When Julie got wind of this, she sent Christie home to change into more 'appropriate' shoes...mind you Christie broke no rules.

5. Oh Jeez...that Knowledge Hammer.

6. Dan Mildren striking out about 67 times playing softball in the parking lot.

7. No more dodge ball in the gym...moms were too stressed about the boys getting white knees in their blue slacks.

8. Jesse, Sam...god knows who else...wearing shirts, vests, clip-on ties backward on April 1.

9. I got a detention almost EVERY Monday when Mrs. Carlson did my goal check. God knows that woman did her best to get me organized, I just never could keep my rear in gear.

10. I hated the 'big kids' because they had devotions with Aunt Tami...or was she 'Pastor Tami'. They called us the 'little kids#.

11. Girls' Program...the hilight of my week. We did so much cool stuff. Mrs. Carson eg. Bowerman guest taught on proper dental hygeine. She brought us those red tablets that show if you have cavities, as well as all kinds of other cool loot from Dr. Orsborn's office.
How about lerning to make garnishes with Valery, like roses made out of radishes. Or baking with 'Master Mix', we must have made about 100 different recipes with that stuff.
Face washing...Mrs. Marshall got us those cool little blue brushes with which to scrub our faces. I scrubbed my face raw one day to make Christie think I was wearing blush. Think I I have permanent skin damage from that one.
Oh, we had the class on exotic fruits...it was the first time I tasted a pomegranet, or an asian pear.
Finally, the sewing phase. Remember making those skirts with matching tank tops decorated with puffy paint, or the vests. Thank God I use a tailor now.

12. Karl called us into room 111 and announced that we'd all be allowed to chew gum at school as long as we 'policed each other.'

13. Chris Hunter playing war with his pencils.

14. Working landscaping on the palace...er, new bldg, more interested in watching Grand Ave. to see if we could spot a new camaro, or Dr. Donati's BMW, the only one in Pullman.

15. Sam's unfortunate incident with a bottle of Sun-In and a campout.

Please add to this list if you are as old as I am.
Hang in there, y'all, time heals all wounds.
-Auf Weidersehn.

Anonymous said...

Here is one for the the list, Wearing cullottes having forgotten your spandex shorts under them and having to do situps, man was that embaressing.

Anonymous said...

scattershooting whilst thinking of memeories that leave me smiling...spiritual notebooks and 4 colored pens, dave hunter's badass impression of mike oaks from seatac baptist-what an orator! april johnson from seatac baptist-wow! the funny man noah from methow valley christian, all those interpretive dances(chris eugenio),repentence sunday, tug of war in the gym and jason garl's mom yelling @ all of us for tearing out the knees of his navy trousers, touch football in the gym-montana to rice...i mean sam, the saint michaels tournament-what a blast! the two short dudes from crca who could do like 100 pullups...in a row, the crca volleyball team-hot! the girls volleyball team winning whilst those silly boys got waxed almost every game...exept against bwca and country christian, the great moment at state when thosesame girls came almost straight off the court and onto the stage to light the house up whith a quartet command performance-pretty cool, all of the fellas fawning over the one and only christie, pat boyer's christmas paintings on the lc windows, jesse marshall breaking about 20 dividers, watching the ncaa tourney in room 111 whilst viewing dan howard illustrate the finer points of algebra, algebra 108-what a pain in the neck! i could go on and on...being sad and bummed is good for a bit but rememberthat whilst sadness lasts for a season joys remains...you will only be as happy as you make yourself, dont depend on others to fulfill...go do what you feel called to do and do it with passion and exellence-wow starting to sound like dr. phil

Anonymous said...

It was girls after 12 who got to not have to wear belts. I remember because I started developing at 11 and they made me wear that stupid belt all year! Man! was that embarrassing. Mom tried everything to get them to let me take it off, but it didn't help.

I had to wear my sweater and it hurt my elbows when I put them on my desk.

Anonymous said...

All these comments for us older PCS students have me rolling in my chair...

don't any of us have jobs during the day? anyway I digress

Who remembers calling Christie, Joelle and Amy the "big girls"

who remembers Karl Barden draggin one of us to the front of room 111 and asking them what sex was??

Let's give a shout out for American Heritage Day... an excuse to get away from PACEs

How 'bout Great Books with Mrs. Bailey, and then The Scottish Chiefs with Dr. Stone??

Health Class where Mrs. Marshall told us about having our periods and not flushing tampons down the toilet??

How bout Sr. Meetings where we were planning graduation/chatting for long periods of time

oh I could go on forever....
glad to see some 1980 and before on here

Anonymous said...

I forgot
to some of you...
doing biology on video in room 111
and making it last as long as possible?

Anonymous said...

too many older memories.

Anyone remeber Martin's math class?

Anonymous said...

I remember one day during opening exercises Pixie was telling us how she changed all of our diapers as children. From the back of the room Jake piped up and told her that we would all be changing hers someday. It was hilarious. She didn’t know what to do so she gave him an “automatic” detention. Anyone else remember that?

Anonymous said...

Martin's math class was the absolute best. I owe him my enjoyment of math. I never developed the negative stigma many students do because of how much fun we had in his class. His spanish class was also a blast. Anyone remember how he used to hop around and yell stuff so that we would remember it?
Also, going back to Pixie Keifer memories. I know the proper usage of well and good and it SUCKS! Nobody uses them correctly and knowing the difference just annoys you. Maybe that's me, but at least I can speak intelligently (mostly). :)

Anonymous said...

Remember "Go For It" days...We would try and find all the "reading" pages we could circle to boost our numbers.

I think my class got caught in between the big kids and the little kids. We never knew what group we belonged because we were always the cut off one way or the other. I think the older kids got great pleasure out of calling us the little kids when we moved into 101.
And the weird part was the guys in our class were generally bumped up to the older kid group events and the girls were bumped to the little kid status for groups.

I will never forget the time we (2 of us) weren't allowed to go to girls program because we were too young but every other girl in our classroom was old enough to go.
I don't think our parents were popular enough...if we had been pastor's kids I think we would have been allowed to go then.
In all honesty I was really treated like crap by the "big" kids. The stories I could tell.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of words, because of Martin I know the when to use I or me.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Pixie. Remember when we got our waterbottles for the first time? She was telling us how we were to use them. One of the rules was "water only" and especially "no pop." I remember that she made a big deal out of it. No sooner had she said that then she took a drink out of her water bottle. The straw was brown and full of her Pepsi. I have never seen her that embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

I loved Martin's first math class...the one where we went through the PACE. There were only like 8 or 9 of us. Remember the day we went to his house and got so much done we thought we were super cool! Martin was the best. Remember racing to get the good roller skates or skate board when we were little and had a break? Coulottes without spandex...had a lot of those days! Remember being future JCDs and having to go do a little dance at the retreat? Internationals was the best. I remember Mary Baldridge would randomly fall asleep in the van and it was like impossible to wake her up! I still loved those times "working" in the fellowship hall....our teachers never figured out how we didn't get much done. Awww....such memories. Honestly, we should post these....I haven't laughed this hard in years!!!

Anonymous said...

Remember when Lewis Young got hit by the car while walking to school? I remember that we were all so happy that he was OK. Remember when Amy Dieker was born and no bigger than an adult's hand? Those are the times when I think of PCS as a family.

Anonymous said...

Hey someone posted another Mary story! Mary you sure are a hit on here! Keep the Mary stories comin'

Anonymous said...

or when Phil Boyer was born.

Anonymous said...

How about Christopher Sherman, he really is an angel, know could ever forget his laugh and smile.

Anonymous said...

Anybody remember ALL the words to the ABC's songs?

Anonymous said...

Oh those songs...I have to confess I don't remember all of them but I am a teacher now with 4 year olds who are learning phonetics and sometimes I sing them the animal songs that go with the ABC letters. They think the songs are hilarious and request them often.

Anonymous said...

Poor Petey Peacock and Jaguar were my favorites!!!!! And who can forget Zippy Zebra, not to mention Victor the Vole?

Anonymous said...

tiny the tigger and j-j-j-jauguar where my faves!!! man all these stories, i almost forget about go for it days, american heritage day, future JCDs...hahah, i love it!

anyways, pastors kid chiming in...pretty sure if you were a PK you would have been stuck behind just the same. i remember never ever getting to go on field trips with the big kids, or even kids from my same grade. and being in miss starhia's class and extra year b/c i wasn't old enough for whipple's. then getting stuck in whipple's class for the first year of the ULC, b/c i wasn't old enough. so, least you think i was an exception...not so much. god i used to hate the 'big' kids. i think i will always think of myself as a little kid, even though one would think i could be a 'big' kid now. haha, makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

poor Pettie Peacock
baked a pepper pie
put it in the oven
and it blew sky Hiiiiiigh!

Anonymous said...

Victor the Vole
always looked his best
wearing his vivid velvet vest!

This is one of the few I actually remember the words too. My dad will still sing this sometimes too! :)

Anonymous said...

Victor the Vole
always looked his best
wearing his vivid, velvet vest

This is one of the few I actually remember the words too. My dad still sings it sometimes too! :)

Anonymous said...

I think Jacob would think twice today about volunteering to change TK's diaper.

The best part of all my years at PCS was Sarge Patrol.

I haven't seen any of you in many, many years. God I miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

Yalta the Yak, with his yo-yo and yarn, yodelled a tune from the top of the barn....and I am not talking about the Family Center :).

Anonymous said...

You guys need therapy. What the hell.

Anonymous said...

Anyone remember when Dave Kobelin ran Chapel and Juli wouldn't even come to Chapel, but just sent her kindergarten students? Fine example of a supportive wife.

Anonymous said...

Why did they quit having "alumni games?" Are they scared of what might happen if we all showed up in one place? We outnumber them now. The PCS students that remain are all sellouts. I wouldn't even know how to talk to them. How do you relate to someone with such a shallow existance? Can you imagine if you never left? I heard Martin left. What a man. He is one of my heroes.

Anonymous said...

Martin and his family live in Ancorage, Alan and Laura King live in Everett, Pixie and her husband live in Everett, too. AK and TK actually teach at the same elementary school. Anna Whipple lives in Idaho, as does Lulu Stelck. Andrew Whipple is in Iraq until December.

Anonymous said...

I ran into someone from my class this summer who is still there. It was all gone. All of the relationship that we had.

ps. my personal favorite was

Tiny tiger, (something, something)
Just isn't to wise!
Each time that we see him,
He's wearing two ties!

Anonymous said...

you who said that we all needed therapy, what do you think that this is?

Anonymous said...

Tiny Tiger, they whispered....

Anonymous said...

that's what I was thinking, but it sounds so mean!

Anonymous said...

Anyone out there from Coach Carr's b-ball team? Remember watching Hoosiers before every season and thinking, "this is the year we are going to win." Yeah, maybe a game?!!! Oh well, all of those wall sits and lines did something for us right? Everytime I see Hoosiers on TV I have to watch it because it brings back good memories. Coach Carr and Whipple were the best. So maybe we didn't win many games, but I think that was because we never really played with a full team. Anyone know how to get ahold of Coach Carr? If anyone is still in contact with Andy Whipple please pass along the message that his team from the 90's supports him and he is awesome.

Anonymous said...

This is going beyond PCS a bit, but does anyone remember hanging out endless nights at Mitch and Nathan's apartment? GOOD TIMES... Hanging out there every friday after CCF. I remember watching Dave do one-handed pushups one night to "wake himself up". I know at least one person was impressed. :) What about the contagious laughter of Yvonne and Angel?! We used to always try to make Angel laugh until she gagged ... need a tissue? ... she always hated that. If anyone knows how to contact either of them, please let the administrators know and I will give them my email. What about going down to Boyer park to jump off of the dock in the middle of the night?! I think I only actually jumped a couple of times, but it was the trip itself that was fun.

Anonymous said...

I have Angel's contact info,...
email becky - if you don't know my addy, leave another comment
but I have an idea i know who you are :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know your email, can you give it to me?

Anonymous said...

email admin and they will give it to you


Anonymous said...

The Aging Ape was out of shape, because he ate, and ate, and ate.
ps...Remember the Manna Machine?

A Kangaroo, From Kalamazoo, Kicked up his heels, and played a Kazoo.

Anonymous said...

Remember going to Arizona for Nationals and being instructed by Karl not to talk to the Marshalls. I always apprecited that one...gotta hate the ones brave enough to leave.

Anonymous said...

Another Mary Story:

We were at convention, evening rally. I had the distinct pleasure of sitting next to Mary. She kept falling asleep during the sermon, I think we all did. But one of the higher powers from our school was behind her and noticed her lack of ability to stay awake. Alarmed that her Christianity was waining and that her obvious distain for the Word of God might cause us to not get the Christian Character Award, they passed a note to her urging her to maintain consciousness. Heaving a sigh and rolling her eyes, she asked me for the use of my notebook. She drew pictures for the rest of the sermon. Later that night I was getting lectured for something, I believe it was because I had not responded to the alter call. I insisted I had been paying attention and that I just didn't feel the need to respond to that particular alter call as I, along with the rest of the auditorium filled with students and adults, had already given my life to the Lord three times that week. In a desperate attempt to prove that I had not been paying attention, they requested to see the notebook in which I was supposed to be taking notes during the sermon. I will never forget their faces as they opened it up to find only a picure of an elephant, a girraff and of an anteater sucking up ants some of which were holding on to other objects in the picture so as not to be eaten. All three pictures were signed by Mary Baldridge.

Oh, and in regards to the kindergartners being locked in the closet, I was one of them. That is one of the most hilarious moments in my life. We were indeed locked in the closet by Pixie Kiefer. Were then forgotten about. Several girls, though not all got really upset and were crying. The boys, led by Jackson Orsborn, were planning to break down the door. We were, however, discovered before their attempts were successful. Upon being discovered, we were promptly lectured and yelled at and given automatic detention. Pixie did remember us and came back to take the blame for it and no one took a detention home.

Anonymous said...

So, I was born after 1980, and it seems to me like you guys had a lot more fun. I am wracking my brain, trying to remember "good times." Then, after a rush of rather unpleasant memories, I remember why I forgot them the first place. It seems that I have to remember 4 bad to get 1 good.
Like the time when Pastor _____ yelled at me in front of the entire highschool because, "You have so much mascara on, no wonder you can't keep your bedroom eyes open." Or when a Pastor ___ yelled at my best friend because she looked too pretty (I am not exaggerating). What about when Pastor__ dug her manicured nails into my stomach proclaiming louldly that I didn't eat enough and that I was too skinny. Yeah, next to her I was a toothpick (forgive me, I cannot resist)
I have read in this list of comments that pk's and certain special people got "privileges." Unfortunate that some people look at it like that. I am not related to the Barden clan but I have been in all of their hugely dysfunctional households back in the "glory days" and witnessed in part what those kids had to go through. After all, the closer you are to the deceitful fire, the more you get burned. Not to minimize other's horrors, but as it goes, it could've been a lot worse.
Or what about the numerous times I tried to console my friends, my MOM, and my EMPLOYER after they had been raked across the coals of christianity based on Barden Doctrine?
What about the times that specific people were made an example of, were you as I? Torn between being to scared to move and yet dying to see people who I respected and loved being humiliated and berated because they made a mistake, if even that? Wishing you could stand up at scream out in their defense?
Yet... I lived my life for the approval of a man, a self-proclaimed leader, who had the bloody audacity to stand in front of an impressionable highschool and warn us of the dangers of the "lazy and laid-back attitude" of some beloved Islanders, instructing us to stay away. Thank-you, V., F., G.,and S., for opening your house to us and teaching us a little about real love. Wherever you go, may you be blessed.
Even more damaging than these specific instances, perhaps, were the constant jabs and bites at our appearance, character, and integrity. They picked like vultures if we were to thin, wore our hair a certain way, at our music, the way we walked, our clothes, etc. I used to think of my life while at LFF and in PCS as a meticulously scripted movie; if I said all my lines right, caught all my cues, and wore the right costume I would somehow manage to survive. Exhausting!!
On my path to scaring over, I have screamed at my parents because they left my siblings and I to rot in that cess pool of hypocrisy for so long. I screamed, barely decipherable, because of the so many times that they had, not only failed to defend me, but willingly threw me to the wolves. I screamed some more and shoved a piece of paper, depicting all the ways I had not followed the code of PCS, in their faces that I had been forced to write to appease the leadership.
Recently I listened to my babtism cassette tape. I found it in a box of junk and with some trepidation, I pushed play... I could not believe how proud and all-knowing those voices from the past seemed to sound. It pains me to think of how dedicated I was to "Life According to ______!" I laugh when I think how seriously I took them. (and myself, for that matter) I read my spiritual notebook now and giggle.
Is it my imagination or did some cronies sing that boyz to men song, MAMA, at a christmas gift exchange? (It would make you gag to know how much money we donated to those over the years) It makes me sick to think that we worshipped them like king and queen, paying taxes to their unholiness, while there were parents who could barely put food on the table. How could they after the $price$ one had to pay to be a member?
Well, back to memories...
Anyone remember when Mr. __ purposely put a piece of garbage on the floor to test if we were good stewards of the lc?
What about Elisha playing Breakfast at Tiffanys atop a U-haul at convention?
Or Jake singing "sex and candy" loudly at a shopping trip to get supplies (for the banner) for that conference at Palm Springs?
Or looking over at Boyer Park, just in time to see Kyle with a huge rock held over his head, about to demolish a rattle snack.
Or flashing someone to get a ride back to the beach on a school trip... or the stolen moments of romance. Man, highschool was dumb.

As I see it, no matter where you grow up, there are mountains to climb and holes to fall into and the best you can to is trudge through and raise hell when you can. Although, if I had to do it all over again, I woulda raised a little more. (like beer at a basket-ball game, brilliant idea, ladies!) It was as good a place as any to grow up.
One last thing. My dad found out recently that I had read blue sheets after all these years and said darkly, "You shouldn't have been reading those." I replied sardonically, "You shouldn't have been writing them." ;)

Anonymous said...

The aging ape was out of shape, because he ate, and ate, and ate.

Anonymous said...

Remember when Nationals was in Arizona and Karl instructed the students not to talk to the Marshalls who would be there. God forbid someone would get up the nerve to leave Pullman.

Anonymous said...

I remember being 14 years old and called into Karl's office office. I stood with him behind his desk before all my childhood girl friends where I was called a whore, Hollywood rockstar, shaggy dog, and two other names that would probably not be published on this site. It's amazing the years it takes to heal emotional abuse.
Whenever I am too salty toward my fellow humans, my mom quotes a saying by Plato. 'Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.'
If only everyone I met would live by this motto!
Cheers to all of you. Hang in there, time heals all wounds...and if any of you are in Europe, send me an email.
Also, kudos to any that have left. My father was brave enough to deliver me from Pullman 11 years ago. God doesn't just reside in Pullman:)
Kisses to all,
Rachel Marshall

Anonymous said...

I remember our hoop team being coached by Cheryl Anderson/Mitchell. I also remember son shiners in the summers and always doing future jcd dance practices...what a geeze. Grounds crew was sure fun...almost as much fun as all day work crews...i know that i will never be an idealist or an optomist - but i know how to get away with scoring errors!!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the 11/11/2005 4:27 AM blogger. The "older" crowd (and I use that term with the utmost affection :)) seems to have been luckier with supervisors. Mr. King and Mr Eckmann would have rocked if you had been old enough to have been in their lc's. Instead we had Stariha/Goetz and then if we where really unlucky Stelck and Akins. Count yourself lucky if you were able to have great teachers such as King and Eckmann.

Anonymous said...

Juli Kobelin was by far the meanest and power hungry staff member ever at PCS. My memories of kindergarten are full of fear of her wrath. She ignored us half of the time while she was busy with her servant-minister or IMT student or ripping another child to shreds. I remember my knuckles hurting for days as slapped me with a ruler on the hand. The other half of the time, she sat on her fat butt and barked orders. Heaven help us if we didn't understand what she wanted us to do. She never cared about us as students. She wanted power and she wanted to prove herself to be as prideful, powerful, arrgoant, mean, hateful and "in charge" as her father. She was abusive to me. I saw her rip staff members apart too. She would yell and "correct" Miss Stariha in front of all of us. She drove Pixie Kiefer from PCS by her constant belittling. She belittled and humilated us as students too, all to build her own kingdom. My childhood was scarred because of her. I hear that she and Kari Vance cannot stand each other anymore. Mutual venom destroying each other.

Anonymous said...

Juli Kobelin once berated me for talking in line before lunch. I had to spend the entire 45 minute break with my nose in the corner. It was torture, because she put a sticker on the wall four inches higher than my nose and told me to keep my nose on the sticker. I couldn't reach it except for on the tip of my toes. Every time I slipped I was spanked. Probably ten times in that one break. It got worse. She told my parents a blatant lie about how I rebelled against her punishment. So I was spanked by them several times that night as well. I think that is the most I was ever spanked in one day. Quite a punishment for talking in line. I could go on about discipline abuse, but I think we all know it happened. If child protection services knew what happened back then most of our teachers would be fired or worse. I was scared to go to school every day because of what I might get blamed for.

Anonymous said...

I remeber getting my PACE stapled together by Julie because I was having trouble controling my excitement of reading hearing stories. It was devistating. I remember being so embarrassed. and even after she took them out, I remember looking at the rippes (there must have been 10 to 15 staples) and still being embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to explain:

We had pictures in our PACE's and she would read us the story while we looked at our own pictures. It was against the rules to look ahead, but I had trouble controling myself.

Anonymous said...

The popcorn Pixey made so much butter on it. Once I got to help Becky K and Rachel make it. They ate like half of what they made, and Pixey made us put like tripple butter on it. So nasty!

Anonymous said...

I don't remember any of us being forced to eat the popcorn. Were we given detentions if we didn't eat it?

Anonymous said...

I don't remember being forced to eat popcorn, but I do remember hoping I would be chosen to make popcorn just to get out of class.

Anonymous said...

Being apart of the older crowd we were lucky to have King and Eckmann for teachers they were the best and they really cared. Luckily I graduated before Gleason took over the high school. I probably would have dropped out, him and I did not get along, in fact I almost got suspended because I told him that. I don't have fond memories of Sherri or Julie they were just power hungary ladies. I still have nightmares that I am still in school because they won't let me graduate and Jaime, Sherri and Julie are all screaming at me.

Anonymous said...

Correction from the author of the 4:27am 11/11 comment. Rattle SNAKE. I amuse myself.

Anonymous said...

ah, the scorring error!! man, i used to be so terried for morning goal checks esp in starrhia or whipples class when the monitors were apperantly very bored, so they would read through our PACE and check for scorring errors. i can't even begin to count how many demerits and detentions i got for scoring errors. everyone always said i was a cheater and a liar...but the fact of the matter was that i was lazy, a bad speller, and just didn't give a crap. i had everything from PACEs stapled, to ripped or shredded--it was best when they made me do it!! ah...life as a child of accelerated chrisitian education...what can compare?!

Anonymous said...

the armadillo's armor is stong as it can be but there he is all tucked inside where its very safe to be!

Anonymous said...

I barely ever got any of the "christian character awards." You know, the pretty pictures with a character written on them, given to students who do something special. I think the only one I ever got was for being "available." The thing was, I got it from one of the upper learning center teachers who didn't know I was serving on detention given by the other one. Granted the detention was crap. Given by amber for some retarded reason.

Anonymous said...

I remember getting one (Christian Character Award) for getting my goals done.

There may have been more to the story like there was another student helping me so that we could go over to my house after school and make cookies. Mom said she could only come if I finished. The memory of her helping me is even better then getting the reward.


Anonymous said...

those goal cards were a joke. I remember my Senior year that I barely even used it. I would get behind and no one would see it. for weeks, but by then, I had fixed the problem.

Also, I had nightmares in college that I had forgotten to fullfill some important graduation requirement. I had to go back with the ellementary level classes. Talk about freaky.

Anonymous said...

la la la la la
I'm as safe as I can be
tucked inside the armor
that God gave to me

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I HAVE to know. Who did write "I love Sam" on the scoring board.

Anonymous said...

Sam probably wrote it himself :)

Anonymous said...

Naaaaaa ... Jake wrote it!

Anonymous said...

To the person in the last comment:

This is not any of the people that you named this is a fellow student that is wondering if they can do anything to help? How horribly tragic that you were treated that way. All of life is not terrible and I am sure that there are still a few good ones left. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make life easier for you. Again I am so sorry that you were treated the way you were!!! Please take care of yourself.

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