Friday, June 29, 2007

Catching Up

Received via email sometime ago. Sorry for the delayed post.

It’s been thirteen years since the Lord Jesus rescued me and brought me out of darkness (LFF) and into His marvelous light. I only spent four years there, but they were the formative years of my relationship with Jesus, and it has taken years to unravel the harm that was done to my soul by abusive leaders. He has been so gracious to me throughout this entire experience and tonight after reading the blog I am filled with faith that each of you will find your road to healing in Him and be made whole again, or for the first time. Your pain is real. I validate you, not that you need me to validate you, or anyone really, but sometimes that helps. I was not so fortunate. I did not have a blog to turn to. In fact, the first church my hubby and I attended didn’t even know what to do with me, so we began going to every church in our town and surrounding towns looking for someone who understood and it was a few years before I met someone who had been through a Shepherding movement and was delivered from it. He and his sweet wife heard my whole story-it took hours and hours. They cried with me, held my hand, we got on our knees together and wept and cried out for Jesus to heal my broken heart. This validation healed me. I had thought I was losing my mind and had disqualified myself like Esau from his birthright (because I married a divorced man). I left that room a healed woman. I got in my car and felt happy for the first time in two years. These sweet people were so wise. They told me to be patient with myself, to forgive myself frequently, to talk to Jesus a lot, that He was not some mean dictator in Heaven waiting to hammer me into dust and that it might take years before all that ugly pharisaical leaven would be worked out of my life. They were right. Even as I read this blog I realized that some of the issues I have with my darling daughters is because of the harshness in discipline I experienced myself at LFF.

I also learned through the years that Our Father in Heaven is nothing like these people who ruled over us with an iron fist and kept us in fear. He is kind, and it’s His kindness that leads us to repentance, not someone digging around glaring at you and confronting you with your “whatever” sin. NO, He is not like them at all. He saved me from this mess and I still thank Him to this day for His amazing love towards me. I also thank Him because the man I married is also amazing. He has been so patient, gracious, loving, and gentle with me over the years. He has also endured much as a result of what I allowed LFF to do to me. When I got done reading this blog I just ran over to him and thanked him for being my hero. He told me that I was worth it all! At LFF I was not worth much at all, always screwing up, always being confronted with my attitudes and sin. Now, I must admit, there were times this was merited, but again, I have learned that the Holy Spirit, given the chance, will convict you of all sin and give you the opportunity to repent and change. They never gave Him a chance. The other thing is He is gentle and lowly and they were harsh and vindictive. In order to heal well we must discover first who God really is—not looking at people, but at Him. How we choose to view Him will determine everything.

I thought it would be valuable to write to encourage the wounded to persevere—healing is possible. God has been gracious to me and as I chose to be honest and lay it all out like it really was, in time, His love has covered over a lot of inadequacies. He has also restored so much. At the ten year mark, after I left, I received a phone call from one of my precious friends from those days, she asked me to forgive her and I was at that time ready to do so, then another wrote asking for forgiveness, then Kari and I saw each other and she asked me privately, away from our mutual friend, to forgive her, thankfully, I already had. This was another piece of the healing-to be able to forgive before being asked, but that takes time. Then, Julie Kobelin called and asked me to forgive her (she had been the most abusive towards me) and I already had forgiven her too. She wanted me to specifically tell her all that she had done to hurt me so she could specifically ask forgiveness, but the cool thing was, I couldn’t really think of anything, all the sting was gone. Love had covered over the multitude of inadequacies. Now, I do not have any real relationships with anyone from LFF except one and she is a treasure indeed, but I have no desire to pursue any of those relationships. It is time to move forward and those that really loved me came forth—one. That is a sobering reality after you spent so much time with people only to discover what you thought was real wasn’t all that real after all. I really have no issues with anyone from LFF anymore. However, I have a huge heart for those on this blog and those who are even now being harassed. I have been praying for years for freedom to come to this place. I will not give up in prayer.

Reading about the PCS kids breaks my heart to pieces. I will commit myself to pray more for you. You suffered the most. I was a nursery worker and loved you so very much and my heart ached that you were never with your parents…oh sweet souls may He who is able bind up every single one of your wounds and plant you by healing waters. There is a chapter in Ezekiel 34, I think, anyway, about the bad shepherds and the sheep roaming the hills, you are those precious hurting, lost, and wounded sheep wandering the hills, but not forever—hang in there.

I guess we all want to tell our story. It amazes me that when I attended LFF no one dared ever speak any of these things, yet so many of us were feeling them…big sigh…we were just being critical, oh how we needed to know that testing the spirits is of God and that we also were the Lord’s anointed… dare they touch us…His sweet children…may the Lord have mercy.

I was a brand new convert zealous for Jesus and eager to find a church like the one in Acts. I thought I found that at LFF. My life was transformed at Heartbeat Retreat. It was the real deal. I have not been the same since. Water baptism was powerful for me and I spent my whole Freshman year full of the Holy Spirit and just so in love with Jesus and following hard after Him in any way I could. I did not start out wanting to please leadership only Jesus. This was a great year for me. I found freedom from my previous life of sin and rest for my soul. I will always remember that year with great fondness. Then, I became a JCD my sophomore year and that all changed. The truth began to stare me in the face, but who would dare say anything, not me, I didn’t want to be rebellious, or critical, even though I always was found that way. I was a messy person, messy with a lot of worldly baggage, a lot to undue to become more like Jesus, but now I see, I was a mere infant in Christ…holy moly…it’s a miracle any of us survived this kind of scrutiny.

The first time I realized that something was seriously wrong was when the Koeblins were leaving for Russia and I went home and cried tears of rejoicing because Julie wouldn’t be around anymore to torment me with her ceaseless demands and cruel words. I couldn’t tell anyone why I was crying, it was so lonely. Then, that summer after visiting my mom, after begging for permission to be released from my unbelievable ministry responsibilities, I was on my way to Pullman, pulled off at Ellensburg for gas and when I got back on the highway and without realizing what I was doing I found myself heading back towards my mom’s house, oh, how I should have kept on going….it went on like this in many ways my whole senior year. The Lord was good to me and caused me to have a back problem right after my senior year that forced me to rest and made people say way judgmental things to me about my condition. God totally healed me, but then I was in massive pain due to the healing….

During this time it became even more obvious to me that He wanted me out of LFF, but I was struggling because my pride was so invested into this place. He and I argued a lot about this, but He kept bringing situations so I couldn’t avoid the truth anymore. When I left to student teach I actually felt strings being cut from my back (like rubber bands) and the strings were retracting back to LFF. I felt free and felt guilty for feeling that way. I had no idea that my high school sweetheart was waiting for me to get home so he could steal me away from this craziness—he was my knight in shinning armor, though at the time, I thought he was sent by satan. Finally, the Lord convinced me that it was truly His will for me to marry this great guy, so of course the cost on my side was losing all my “friends” at LFF, but many had already forgotten me, out of sight, out of mind, but I went back one last time just to be sure it was God that I marry this guy—of course the leadership said no, he was divorced and used goods (even though this happened when he wasn’t saved…the unpardonable sin…) and as I was there I was sooooo confused, but it was good to see them all. I really missed everyone. On my way back to my mom’s house my car broke down on the pass and God told me that my boyfriend needed to be the one to come get me although I called many and many were willing…I had stayed totally pure in my relationship with him, but the thought entered into my head that if I slept with him I would be so humiliated that I would never go back to LFF and it would be easier that way-YIKES, so I lured that poor guy and made him compromise himself too---just so I wouldn’t feel so condemned about leaving LFF. That is my largest regret—that I didn’t have the guts to just leave LFF, but thankfully, God has forgiven us this also, but I saw clearly how whacked this whole thing was and just said good-bye.

Now, I have to say that I really do believe that God takes everything and works it for good and I have often thanked God for all the many things HE did in my life while I was there. I did learn how to serve others in love, I did learn how to do everything as to the Lord, I do have a solid foundation that I have continued to build on, I did learn how to hear His voice and how to go against the flow in order to follow Him. I am grateful that there was good to be taken from such a harmful situation. I still have a whole lot of love for people who have left and the people there. I actually really love the Vances and pray for them often. I didn’t know the Barden’s all that well, but I do pray that they would find freedom and seek to restore what they broke down. I believe all things are possible. I really believe He is who He says He is and that His word and His Spirit are enough to satisfy and bring us to wholeness again. I pray that as believers we will stop harming each other and start assisting each other in His love and under His direction, not under man made religious systems full of the traditions of men. I pray for the Church that call themselves by His holy name to rally under His banner which is LOVE. I pray for people to stop following men and their opinions and to follow Jesus the Christ—our savior our kind Lord.

We home churched with another couple for five years and it was the BEST…we really learned how to rely and depend on Him alone. He has just recently brought us out of the wilderness and called us to break down religious systems that are killing God’s precious children. I feel awake, alert, and sound of mind for the first time in too many years. God’s spirit is moving everywhere…He is roaming the hills and finding His lost sheep and restoring them. In fact, one of the small home groups we attend is called: Compass Ministries, our whole focus is Jesus and being His hands to comfort those who have had so much stolen from them. God keeps collecting them and bringing them to us. God is raising up an army of those wounded who He is healing and He is taking their brokenness and glorifying Himself in it. The world doesn’t want religion---it wants a Jesus who saves them from the torment of sin!!!! The church needs a Jesus who is real and binds up their wounds.

Oh I pray for the comfort of these hurting people Jesus, be ever near their aching hearts, place your presence around them that they may know that Your love is perfect and Your ways are sound. Touch them with gentleness and take off heavy yokes and burdens and show them that Your way is easy and light. Lift off the depression, self-loathing, and sting of the harm done against them. Touch each one here with Your real concern and care for their individual situation. Jesus, bring back to them seven times what was stolen from them.

I will keep praying.


Anonymous said...

If this is Nikki I want to talk to you. This is Lael Fister. you can reach me at


Anonymous said...

You know, this could have been any number of people's stories at LFF. I felt like it was my own as I read it. BUT, I was not close to Julie Kobelin, thank goodness. could have been any number of those "serving" or "being ministered to" under Julie Kobelin. I think we all share such a similar path but sad that we didn't know it at the time. It was considered sin to say anything. If anything negative came from our mouths we were labeled legalistic, humanistic, selfish, etc. No room for speaking up about some of the bad, inappropriate ministry going on there. I must say, from the comments on this blog, it sure seems to be most commonly Julie and Kari who ruled with an iron fist and demanded perfection and servitude from folks with nothing less than absolute submission to their authority.

Anonymous said...

Julie has apologized to my husband as well(even though we haven't left). I'm not sure exactly what she did or said to him, but I think it's very commendable, and something that was totally unexpected.

Anonymous said...

Well GOOD for her...little Miss Julie! There are a LOT of dear folks that she hasn't apologized to and I doubt that she ever will.

Anonymous said...

So, what is up? Are we all done with this blog? It has very little comment traffic and hasn't been updated since October?

kapblaubar said...

We left 14 years ago. But even before that we knew we were never going to stay. Maybe for us that made us different, maybe I never grew attached to LFF and for me it was only a positive 6 years as I just picked what I saw was good and when the time was ready, said goodbye. I went with my wife naturally ;-).

Proverbs 29:18 talks about a vision for your life and what happens when you don't have it.

I think a lot of people regardless of what church or faith you have fall in a "going for a ride mentality".

As we get older we know what we don't want to do any more, but we still fail to challenge ourselves and find what we should do. What will you do with the life we have been given by God.

There was such a strong direction, such heavy kharma, such intense direction at LFF, that if you did not know what you wanted in your life you just followed a herd.

I knew what I wanted the minute I was there, and that was to come back to Europe some day, some time and travel and spread the Gospel in some way. Thats more or less what were doing still.

Was I under stress at times, yep. But I am stronger for it. Did I get kicked by Juli and Kari. Heavily!!! But on the other hand I needed it. I had addictions, I had massive problems yet ignoring it would not have helped.

But I distinguished as many do, your calling in life and the callings others had. I did not want to be them. They had a job and I did too. Their job, or at least how I saw it, was to train me. And they did it for basically free.

Looking at the going tuition prices of a bible church in UK, SE, DE or BE, what we paid then was nothing in comparison. Two full years of free tuition.

We still use basic materials in GGs and CAT in helping new Christians overcome drug problems, prostitution and other much stronger addictions than ever showed their face in quiet Pullman.

Thats because ... regardless of the way it was delivered...they hold Gods word. His Word changes people. Its the single most amazing thing I have seen in my travels. And I have seen people living, hell on earth, living in sewage pipes, freezing outside rail stations, and trembling in their own piss. Some of these people are now my homecell group, they are the family and spiritual children I choose to teach and grow with. This is the big city we have chosen to live in.

I am thankfull someone prepared me for it though I knew not then.

What I did know, was I had a vision or an idea I would be here some day.

I am sure you had or have a vision in your heart, something God said, damn girl/boy you would be pretty cool doing that.

Maybe you let go of it, but that... you have to take responsibility for. Its never to late ...

(I just started painting 7 years ago and now lead a Christian Art Group her in Germany. Stranger things can happen, if your open to a progressive vision and focus on God and not man/church ... you can go far)

Anonymous said...

Free? Not if you tithed "faithfully" according to the vision of the church leadership. Before anyone preaches to me about motives for giving/tithing, and quoting scripture, let me say this. All motives aside, it was said (in a group setting--maybe a members' mtg??) that we receive high quality counseling and ministry and support at lff. That what we tithe is less than what the fees would be charged out there in the world for all we receive in ministry at lff. I suppose if you were in a position at lff to get good quality ministry that could apply. I preferred to think that my tithes were truly to God, because I trusted him with my money more than the church. That was naive though. I know how the money was used.

Anonymous said...

Where oh where has the Dread Pirate Roberts gone? There has been no updates since October? Is there no one overseeing this anymore?

Anonymous said...

haha! and i just thought that everyone had moved on and realized that life outside of lff was the wasy god meant it to be.

no more group-think, no more jockeying for position, no more competition to make it on stage...these post lff days, we actually care about the communities we live in, we think about thing outside of our lff bubble, we wake up with a smile and fall asleep with hope, no more condemnation, we live.
i don't need this blog any more, although it was huge in helping me heal, i have finally recovered and i LOVE my life away from the shackles of lff!!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else still encounter people that remind you of Juli? I do. It frightens me that they can push me around and shut me down. I'm like another person in their presence. Then I hate myself for giving in; for not seeing their manipulative control. I hate the fact that I can't stand up to them and tell them what I really think. I'm like a deer in the headlights. I just stand there and take it. I'm sure you know what I mean. I'm sure I'm not the only one going through this.

I'm in such a situation right now. It's really intense and I would appreciate your prayers. If you still pray. I understand if you don't.

I'm almost 9 years out of LFF. I left on good terms. I felt free once Juli's shackles finally came off me. That took awhile.

I have since been roped in by others like her. Not in the church, thankfully; but a neighbor and a friend. I guess I'm still no good at spotting an abuser. Why can't I see the signs and run the other way? I'm a smart person. We all are.

I need to run from this person, but it will be hard. When you separate from an abuser (or even threaten to) they sabotage you. I expect that she will be full of negative, abusive words.

She's telling me that I don't know how to raise my own kids. Sound familiar?

God, please give me the guts to stand up to this woman, this incarnation of Juli in my life!

You know what's funny? People close to me call me a bulldog. Why does all the bulldog in me seem to disappear when someone makes themselves an authority and starts manipulating and controling me? Why can't I seem to stand up and mitigate the abusive pattern before it starts? Why, why, why?

Anonymous said...

I still pray, and I'm praying for you.

Juli used to bully me and make me cry and apologize to her. I don't think that would happen now, though. Things changed in me when I realized that Juli bullied others because she felt so inadequate herself. Bullying is a common tactic people use to deflect attention away from their faults and failings. They go on the offensive. They point out how others have failed or not lived up to the highest standard. They live graceless lives - like we lived at LFF.

Is there any way that you can calmly ask your neighbor to please stop bullying you? Don't be afraid to call it bullying. You will be most effective if you can say it kindly without showing anger or fear. Even if she rejects what you say, you will begin to respect yourself and may grow in courage to continue to stand up to those in your life who would seek to bully you.

Blessings and grace to you.

kapblaubar said...

To clarify first i am rather neutral in all this, I did have a nice time at LFF , but then I was just passing through , or that has kind of always been my way of life ;-)

There might be a friendly way to stand up to bullies, but in short there is only one way and that is to stand up. And to be honest, its scarey!!!!

I grew up in Germany and now live here again. I read of a recent article by a former school director that in the end lost his family to the camps here in the second world war.

He raised the question when to say no, and when to comply. This was written by a man who later realized as did a few other Germans, that the nation was guilty by acting compliant towards the propaganda of Goebbels.

In retrospect, he said one must say no at the very start. As they take your radio away, as they take your right to gather, your right to publish. At fear of loosing your job, you must say no. He said as a nation it should have been said.

But its not easy to say no. I personally find no, rather difficult to say at times. But you can actualy practice it. It sounds silly, but a friend of my wifes did it, went in to a shop, they asked her "can I help you" (which is rare in germany to be asked such a thoughtful question) and her response was "Nein" ...

Ok she was rude , but it was actualy somethig she was told to practice. A roleplay to get an orientation of her emotions. I do it in my work when I have to present bad or challenging issues and yet still seem nice to my customers ;-). Because the alternative is me blowing up like a child at the check out line.

Practice it, practice being the bearer of bad news, or of saying no. It actually can be learned.

Unknown said...

I actually have had opposite reactions because of my time at LFF. Now, even if someone tells me in a friendly way that something I am doing is not good, I get defensive and shut down. I am very antagonistic to anyone trying to tell me what to do. I feel that I was too yielding and easily pushed around when I was at LFF, and I don't want that to happen again. I know it is a problem though. Sometimes friends are just trying to help me, and eventually I see that, but the first "confrontation" is not fun for anyone.

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous contributor that said you would pray for me, thank you. I was able to stand up to the bully and to tell her what I thought. I have not heard from her since, but it's OK. I am moving on with my life and I feel like a weight has been lifted.

Chris, it's good to read your postings and to know you are well. I enjoyed your website displaying your artwork. You don't have any contact information on there, however. It would be nice to correspond.

Anonymous said...

So are Kevin and Sherri still hooking up?

Anonymous said... that is a good question!

Anonymous said...

I think you will find your answer here:
Click on "Pastor Phil's Birthday".

Everyone looks pretty happy to me.

Anonymous said...

I know the former Dread Pirate Roberts, who moderated this blog for a while. He was asked to step down by the true blog moderators, who ever they are. It's too bad that it seems that even in our attempts to debrief from our llf experience, we are being watched!

Of course, I'm going to post this anonymously!

Anonymous said...

"So are Kevin and Sherri still hooking up?"

Not sure this belongs on this blog

Anonymous said...

Never were, certainly are not now. Get your mind out of the gutter.

Anonymous said...

I agree, that's why I quoted the original in my response. Read the next sentence:

"Not sure this belongs on this blog"

Anonymous said...

Wow, the original post was intense! I hope you and your husband are sustaining a life in freedom!