Monday, October 17, 2005

Hello and Welcome...

It has come to our recent attention that this blog was spoken of in a member's meeting this weekend. It seems the senior pastors are refusing to read the blog. This of course is no surprise. This is a problem that has been discussed many times and this statement only confirms that this problem is still there. Whenever someone points out problems and faults at LFF, they are ignored. The senior pastors acknowledging this place, yet ignoring these hurts and problems grieves us. We had hoped their silence meant they knew not of this place. Instead they choose to turn away, effectively burying their heads in the sand. If I close my eyes will it go away? No!!! Ignorance brings no resolution, it only salts these wounds. The more involved members are even told not to come here at all. "It will only make you mad," they say. So not only is ignorance proclaimed in member's meeting it is discipled to the likes of the CCF band. What an odd thing to disciple.

We have seen a large spike in our page loads and can only attribute that to the new audience generated by this recent member’s meeting. We have received several e-mails today from current members relating their own pains and struggles as they continue their relationship with LFF. Out of respect to their requests we will not post these but we thank you for the support. We love hearing everyone’s thoughts, whether or not you agree; that is why this place is here. So far we have received overwhelming support, yet there has to be those out there who feel otherwise and we welcome your thoughts too. Your silence thus far is truly fascinating. If you are new here, you can easily add a comment in the comment box or e-mail it to the address provided on the side of the site.
To the Leadership of LFF:
Please allow us to once again try and explain to you what is happening here. For many years you have hurt hundreds of members in the name of God. This has been done through twisting Scriptures, manipulation, ungodly anger, double-standards, and countless other specific wrongs. For this, you claim no wrong! Your apology is a feeble “We are sorry you feel that way.” And as the hurting struggle, you heap upon them guilt, shame and insults, publicly disgracing them and calling to question their credibility.
We receive many questions and stories about the control and manipulation that takes place at LFF. We have also addressed these things to the leadership in countless meetings for many years. Every time, these grievances were denied as lies and we would feel your wrath for not sharing the same vision of the church. Fortunately, you can no longer deny this, or anything else, behind closed doors. On this site are many readers and many of them still attend. The manipulation and control at LFF is wrong!!!! Though you have been alerted to this many times you have done nothing but shoot the messenger. Changes have been superficial attempts to spruce up the image but the root of the problem has yet to be changed.
We have published this blog for two months. Each day the number of emails we receive increases. Since the first post we have had a total of 36 posts by almost as many unique authors. We currently receive more e-mails to post than we can keep up with and have debated posting twice a day. As you proceed through each post on here you will see there are over 200 comments. Though we assume some people have commented more than once; it is clear there is a wide array of contributors here. This site is not just authored by a couple of disgruntled members who had personality conflicts, but by a variety of members. This ranges from members who have not yet left, to members who have been gone for many years. And the voice of many is the same; “LFF has destroyed innocent trust through an ungodly manipulation of people for the personal gain of the leadership.” I have been there when this has happened and anyone who speaks out is written off as a loony, or just a sinner who must be turned over to Satan. The truth of the matter is that most of us are in churches and Jesus is becoming more real to us every day as he heals our wounds and helps us to trust again.
We are not a small angry mob with a personal vendetta against LFF. We are the throngs of people that were hurt by the wrongs of LFF leadership. We echo the concerns of hundreds and hundreds who have left when their voices were heard no more. So no, we are not a band of “cult” labeling church haters seeking media attention in hopes of bringing down the big bad wolf. We are your friends, your family members, members of leadership, and God loving people who have been set free from the abuses of LFF. Yet, for some reason the leadership has immediately denied our hurts and is now advising current members to stay away. THIS IS A RED FLAG!!!
Why? We only speak the truth; a truth you say is distorted by emotional wounds. Yet to acknowledge these wounds only adds to the credibility of those who carry them. You caused these wounds and now seek to silence the crying. What are you so afraid of? Let people read and let them make up their own minds. If these claims are false then let them read and they will become more loyal and a closer knit group. If this is truly persecution then you will only benefit from our words as they cause a banding together by your sheep. But, if they are true then is it not right to let them know? The truth shall set you free and if there is no truth on these pages your cause will be vindicated and your member’s loyalty strengthened.
Throughout history one of the most infamous techniques used to control people has been censorship. It has had a long history in the church as well as most dictatorships and abusive forms of governments. Here are some highlights. (I'll keep this relatively short but if you would like more information on any situation there are plenty of resources.)
In 1517 Martin Luther posted his ninety-five thesis on the on the door of a catholic church. The big complaint was that because most people could not read, the priests were lying to their church members and telling them that buying indulgence was the only way to heaven. Luther posted his thesis to shed light on the lies of the religious authorities. For his revelation, he was cast into exile and became an outlaw. In the end many people saw the truth and an entire denomination came about because someone spoke up.
There are countless other examples within the church and there are those beyond the church. In the political realm, we see Communist Russia which had a very strict censorship policy that was used to enforce a communistic regime. In 75 short years Russia became poor and weak. The control they attempted to exert brought a mighty nation to its knees.
In Iraq, we saw the same thing. With only one news station controlled by one man, many people believed he was the greatest and that he protected and provided for them. In truth many of us have a better quality of life and know what a leader should be able to give and we were not fooled for a minute. How many times have we watched the news and thought, "Wow life will be better for them now that they are not being used for the gain of Saddam Hussein."
So to the leadership, there is nothing to fear and no need to steer others from this place. It will only strengthen their relationship to LFF or help them move on to a better environment. It is a true win-win situation for you and your members. And to those of you who are reading for the first time, take this all in with an open mind. Don’t let anyone tell you how to interpret this; that is why we have the Holy Spirit. If questions arise, seek their answer in the Bible. Our only intent here is to help. Lest you think otherwise, we seek not to destroy LFF. We simply hope to help in this healing process and pray His comfort for every member, past and present.


Anonymous said...

Something I have noticed through reading and re-reading this blog is that this site is not only about those at LFF and exposing the abuses that have been going on for years. It has become a refuge and a place of healing. For so long many of us have been held back and pushed down, and we are finally free to share. The feelings, both positive and negative are getting an opportunity to come out. For some of us this is the first time in our lives that we have had an opportunity to share very personal thoughts and feelings without fear of retribution. This has become a place of release fom a past that for most has been nothing but haunting. For the first time in a very long time I have hope. I believe that there is life after LFF. The things I have thought and believed about myself are not entirely what Jesus thinks about me. He really does love me for who I am. For the first time in years I really don't care what those at LFF do, or think about me. That is one of the hardest steps I have had to take since leaving. Getting past the constant worry about who might hear what I have to say, knowing full well that any disagreement will bring rebuke. I feel a comradery with those on this site without knowing exactly who you are, and it gives me hope. There is a brand new day tomorrow, and I look forward to getting up for it. Thank you to all who have written on this blog. I am excited to take the next step in life.

Daniel said...

The good news is that God has allowed, through the medium of the Internet, for the truth to be known.

Anonymous said...

Well written, beautiful.

As for the 95 Theses--this blog is a 95 Theses. We can't exactly use a nail on glass doors (or could we....) The internet is our cathedral door.

As for pastors not reading the blog, I have it on very good authority, two widely separated sources: Phil won't read it, but Kari is a regular reader.

Anonymous said...

Kari's admitted to reading twisted scriptures as well but claims that "this is nothing like our chuch" They really and truely believe that they are in God's will and that His will is to control others. Sad

Daniel said...

As Sun-Tzu said...

"Keep your friends close...keep your enemies closer..."

Anonymous said...

Well then...Hi Kari. What's the matter; cat got your tongue? You could even post anonymously, in your defense. Then no one would know it was you and you still would not have to apologize. But how can you read and sit silently by? Are you numb to all the pain and confusion on these pages? Is it not real to you? I assume your silence means you concur with the consensus here but know not how to respond. Perhaps you are overwhelmed by the magnitude of this problem or maybe just by how many people are coming here. If it is any consolation, I forgive you even though you think you did no wrong.

Anonymous said...

I too have heard that Kari reads this blog, I don't know why. But hey, she can do what she wants even though the people in her church can't. ironic? anyway, i have also heard that she wants to "sit all the pcs kids down and ask forgiveness." Would it do any good? I don't know. I can't say that I would believe her, and I can't say that even if she did it would help. I don't know, seems to me that their censorship says a lot about who they are. I guess "you will know them by their fruit."

Anonymous said...

what did you expect? of course they'll do everything they can to discredit the blog and anyone who reads or writes on it. of course they will censor it and blacklist anyone who reads it. seriously, are you expecting anything different?

if the truth gets out people will leave or membership will suffer. it will be a great embarrassment to them. pride has always been an issue, and its pride that keeps them from honesty and owning up to their abuse.

Anonymous said...

this site probably feeds kari's power trip in a sick way. it probably encourages her knowing she has had so much affect on so many people's lives.

Anonymous said...

Former PCS students went to a Casting Crowns concert and thought you would appreciate this.

Casting Crowns - Stained Glass Masquerade Lyrics

Is there anyone that fails
Is there anyone that falls
Am I the only one in church today feelin' so small

Cause when I take a look around
Everybody seems so strong
I know they'll soon discover
That I don't belong

So I tuck it all away, like everything's okay
If I make them all believe it, maybe I'll believe it too
So with a painted grin, I play the heart again
So everyone will see me the way that I see them

Are we happy plastic people
Under shiny plastic steeples
With walls around our weakness
And smiles to hide our pain
But if the invitation's open
To every heart that has been broken
Maybe then we close the curtain
On our stained glass masquerade

Is there anyone who's been there
Are there any hands to raise
Am I the only one who's traded
In the altar for a stage

The performance is convincing
And we know every line by heart
Only when no one is watching
Can we really fall apart

But would it set me free
If I dared to let you see
The truth behind the person
That you imagine me to be

Would your arms be open
Or would you walk away
Would the love of Jesus
Be enough to make you stay

Anonymous said...

"sit all the pcs kids down and ask forgiveness."

NO, that would do no good. what would she say, how she tried to kick me and others out of that school. whether we liked it there or not, some of us figured we may as well finish it out. plus, reasons for wanting us to leave were rediculous...nearly laughable. wordly this, wordly that...especially when they mostly likely really knew nothing about you. they always said, if you don't want to be here then don't be here--HELLO--our parents required it of us. LFF required it of our parents. clearly, it was a lose-lose situation--and no kid was getting out. however, if a kid did choose to leave or get forced out, realtions with that person were highly discouraged--to say the least. pcs kids were outcasted back in the day, and still are now. why were we never given a fighting chance?!?

i used to be so angry with the difference in treatment. i mean we had a 'bad attitude' and were in fear of suspension. everying was always blown WAY out of proportion. anyways...

all i can say is, i have battled for years to deal with emotional strain, stress, and abuse from that school. i wanted to go talk to the leadership several times. however i could script out exactly what they would say to me. so sorry, blah blah blah...forgive us, blah blah blah. i soon realized that this was not good enough for me.

i knew that if i was ever going to live a healthy, semi-unbitter, rest of my life, i would have to find it in my own heart to forgive with out explanation--b/c anything they said could never possibly justify their actions in my head. this is all easier said than done, however, it is working for me. and i hope all you other pcs kids are being able to find ways to cope as well. i love you all and wish you the best.

Anonymous said...

no one will argue with you about the pcs kid abuse. they will admit that.

however they won't admit to the material of the rest of this blog. hence the focus of these posts.

one can only hope that sheer curiosity and maybe even some influence of the Holy Spirit will lead people here to find truth and healing. I mean people who still go there and are BLIND. Perhaps even the BLIND ONE leading the BLIND.

Anonymous said...

The leadership always said that when lots of people left LFF it was because "God was cleansing His body." They also said that "God was taking it down to just those who truly wanted to be there."

I don't know exactly how to refute those comments, but they are completely rediculous. I don't know why anyone goes there in the first place. If God were to purify His body it seems like He would start with the head.

Anonymous said...

"In Iraq, we saw the same thing. With only one news station controlled by one man, many people believed he was the greatest and that he protected and provided for them."
Very interesting comparison! I remember the feeling of elation I felt along with the Iraqi people the day our troops rolled into Baghdad and brought down Hussein's statue. Remember them beating the statue's head with their shoes? I felt that I could honestly relate to the abuse and manipulation they had suffered all those years. Remember the so-called "elections" they held under Saddam's dictatorship? Of course the people were "free" to vote against him, but they were too afraid. They were controlled and manipulated by the leader they feared. Sound familiar? It did to me. It felt great to jump up and down and cheer along with the newly liberated Iraqis in Baghdad that day!
Funny also to note that at the same time the Iraqi defense minister was on television vehemently denying that any of it had happened. No, US troops had not entered Baghdad. Everything was just fine. (In other words: Pay no attention to what hundreds of news networks are reporting. Don't believe what you see and hear from them. Only believe us.)Hmmm. That sounds familiar too.

Anonymous said...

In the film Erik the Viking there is a scene where a drop of blood falls on this magical island and it starts to sink. Erik and his crew know exactly what is happening and they try to warn the other people on the island. This is what one of the Islanders says to the king and his reply
We... er... do seem to be going down quite fast, Your Majesty - not trying to contradict you, course.
No, of course you're not, citizen. But let's stick to the facts. There has NEVER been a safer, more certain way of keeping the peace. So whatever's happening, you can rest assured, Hy-Brasil is NOT sinking. Repeat, NOT sinking."
(We cut to an unfortunate Hy-Brasilian who looks out of a window to see if it's raining, but is immersed before he can find out. The citizens in the Forum, however, are reassured by the King's words - even though they are now up to their waists in water) Needless to say the king continues to insist that they are not sinking and everyone except for the vikings drowns while singing.

Does it sound familiar? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Something I find ironic in reading this blog and because of other PCS kids' comments is that I still find it hard not to judge, even while reading this blog.

I am a PCS kid and I understand that feeling of not being able to think and feel for yourself. I also understand not being able to trust "leadership".

Thanks in large part to my parents and their lack of bitterness and my husband and his encouragement, I am in no way angry or bitter toward LFF.

However, I still catch myself in that LFF mindset. I begin judging others for things that should not be judged. I want to condemn myself at those times, but I know that nothing productive would come from that. For me, it is a matter of recognizing my fault, “my sin” if you will, and correcting it and moving forward.

I was told one time while growing up that people (Christians and non-Christians alike) were abusing/misusing the scripture "Judge not, lest ye be judged". That may or may not be true. I don't know. However, I personally need that verse as a constant reminder in my life. For me it is a reminder to move forward from my past with out judgment on others and enjoy my future, also without judgment on others.

So to this blog, I want to say thank you. Thank you to all who enter and allow everyone to share from exactly where we are at. I appreciate the anger that still is alive and I appreciate the ability to move on. I mostly appreciate that anger can be shared and a hand held out in support.

I pray for everyone in every stage and for those still at LFF. We all have an amazing life to live! This is a wonderful place of recognition, healing and friendship.

Thank you and my prayers and blessings to all.

Anonymous said...

The psychology question and answer and the original authors comments....

Anonymous said...

You may wish to repost the above comment under the post that has the psychology question in it.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't sure where in this site to post this so here goes... I am a former LFFer who excaped more than 10 years ago when an apparent transition was taking place. This transition from from relying on the Spirit to the organization of the flesh.
I had the priviledge of speaking on occasion and was asked by Kari V what the subject was to be (the week before the service). The songs of course matched the subject. Not long after that Dr. Barden (preaching Wednesday night) said to the congregation plainly "isn't it amazing how the songs match the sermon" suggesting of course that the songs were spontaniously inspired by the Holy Spirit. Having been a member of the band (orchestra), previously to this, there had been no attempts to rig the worship to match the message. Dr. Barden told a lie that night.
Going over this site is like looking at one long, tragic, painful train wreck. I've been way out of contact for years and i am saddened to learn they have not changed their ways or MO. I had given them the benefit of the doubt and hoped in my heart that they had changed their ways.
Now I can only echo the Apostle Paul's warning to the Galatian Church in Gal 3:3 "Are you so foolish? After beginning withthe Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?" Sadly the answer is yes.

George N. Sally

dj said...

I hope my grandchildren, children, realitives ever join your church, you are disshonest Kari, you hide the truth,indoor swimming pool, you can write off cause you use it for baptisims, a yaught for the church? How many poeple in the church got a ride for the yaught they paid for? not very many, I iknow that you speak of God and you don't even know who he really is, you use him as a tool for your reapings of wealth , people work their a.. of for you in the name of God our lord because they trust you and are the weak ones, who love God & cannot see thru you. I saw your "work schdule" for the people who serve you and your family, you should be ashamed. Your father is satan, who thinks he is above everyone, who won't and didn't get his hands dirty with yardwork when the church 1st started, he had to prepare the sermon, even God did common labor jobs! The cult you run should be shut down forever, no more judge the people antics, no more telling people they can or can't get married, where do you all get that attitude and allmighty behavior? Your cult (and I said that to your face in 1980) ruins peoples lives and they are brainwashed to think they can only exist with your help? I do not understand your wickedness! Damn you and your cult, You have hurt a lot of people and I pray they all speak out the truth and just you and your high ups are left alone fiddiling your thumbs, God give the followers strenght to leave!!!!