Friday, August 26, 2005

Answer to "leadership?" below

LFF is a church FOR insecure people, pastored BY insecure people. The pastors are themselves highly insecure people who have created a system that creates for themselves a sense of self-worth. The people that fall into this system are very insecure, and find security and fulfillment from what small amount of approval they may obtain from the pastors.

At LFF, the pastors rarely give encouragement to their followers for all the time and effort they put in serving the pastors and their system that is LFF. So, these insecure followers learn not to expect much, and so when the pastors give a small amount of encouragement, be it a kind word, or a moment of time, or a note written on a slip of paper from a giant mass-produced pad that says "baba loves you" (or something like that), the followers are beside themselves with joy. This is the psychological principle of "reinforcement," and it's been working on lab rats for decades. If you don't believe me, study it for yourself. The LFF leadership, whether knowingly or not, are using the same principles to keep themselves surrounded by all these insecure people, the same ones you ask about in your question.

That is why the LFF attendees who learn to think for themselves, and dare to ask questions of the leadership, are so blatantly ostracized. Thinking for yourself does not work well in the LFF system, as I learned firsthand. As long as I acted as a mindless robot and went along with the system, I didn't encounter much trouble at all. Of course I didn't grow at all in Christ, and had very little to show for my life. But the day that God shook my mind and I knew I had become a part of a total crock, everything changed. While I went through turmoil at first having to deal with the manipulations the LFF leadership threw in my way to ruin my epiphany, in time I was so happy to just know that I was no longer a puppet of the system or a mindless insecure follower of an insecure leader.

If you are looking for a church where you don't wish to think for yourself, and you are insecure and want to find a small amount of fulfillment in a system made to use you for leadership's benefit, LFF could be the church for you. If not, at least consider yourself warned.


Anonymous said...

this is so sad

Anonymous said...

Sad but true.